rise! turtles x velociraptor mutant reader

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A New Ally

Night had fallen over New York City, casting the urban landscape in shades of blue and gray. The moonlight reflected off the glassy surfaces of skyscrapers, while the city's pulse throbbed beneath the streets. On these rooftops, four figures moved with stealth and purpose, their silhouettes blending into the shadows. They were Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael—the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, always vigilant in their nightly patrol.

The turtles bounded from one rooftop to another, their movements a choreographed dance of agility and strength. Raphael, ever the eager warrior, led the way with his dual sai glinting under the moonlight. Leonardo followed closely, his katanas strapped to his back, eyes scanning for any signs of trouble. Donatello, with his bo staff and tech gadgets, observed the city's digital heartbeat through his goggles. Michelangelo, the youngest and most carefree of the group, brought up the rear, his nunchaku swinging casually at his sides.

As they neared Central Park, the turtles paused to catch their breath and take in the quiet, almost serene atmosphere of the park below. It was then that they heard it—a deep, guttural roar that echoed through the night, sending a shiver down their spines.

“What was that?” Michelangelo asked, eyes wide with excitement and a hint of fear.

“Whatever it is, it sounds big,” Donatello responded, adjusting his goggles to zoom in on the park’s darkened expanse.

Leonardo frowned, his mind already strategizing. “We should check it out. It could be trouble.”

Raphael cracked his knuckles, a grin spreading across his face. “Let’s hope it is. I could use a good fight.”

Without further hesitation, the turtles descended into the park, their movements silent and swift. As they approached the source of the roar, they could make out the sounds of heavy breathing and the rustling of leaves. The brothers exchanged wary glances before pushing through the underbrush to find the source of the commotion.

In a small clearing, illuminated by a shaft of moonlight, stood a figure unlike anything they had ever seen. It was a humanoid velociraptor, standing at about six feet tall, with scales that shimmered in hues of green and blue. The creature’s eyes glowed with a fierce intelligence, and its claws, though deadly, were held in a posture that suggested caution rather than aggression.

The turtles instinctively fell into a defensive stance, weapons at the ready. The velociraptor mutant, sensing their apprehension, took a step back, her claws flexing nervously.

“Who are you?” Leonardo demanded, his voice steady but cautious.

The velociraptor’s gaze flickered between the brothers before she spoke, her voice a low, rasping growl. “My name is Y/N. I mean you no harm. I was... created, like you, but escaped my captors. I’ve been hiding ever since.”

Donatello’s curiosity overrode his caution. “Created? By who?”

Y/N’s eyes narrowed. “By those who seek to control and exploit us. Scientists, obsessed with pushing the boundaries of genetic manipulation. I’m not the first, and I fear I won’t be the last.”

Raphael snorted, his grip on his sai tightening. “Great, more people playing God.”

Leonardo lowered his katanas slightly, still wary but willing to listen. “If you’re not a threat, then why the roar?”

Y/N glanced away, embarrassment evident in her posture. “I... I was practicing. Testing my strength and abilities. It’s been difficult adjusting to this form.”

Michelangelo, ever the empathetic soul, stepped forward, his nunchaku still but ready. “Hey, we know all about adjusting. It’s not easy, but you don’t have to do it alone.”

TMNT X Reader Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now