2007! Raph x nyctophobic reader

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The moon hung high and full in the New York City sky, casting its silver light over the bustling metropolis. Raphael, the second oldest of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, prowled the rooftops in his Nightwatcher outfit. Clad in heavy armor and wielding brutal weapons, he was a force of nature, striking fear into the hearts of criminals everywhere. This was his element-solitude, darkness, and the thrill of the hunt.

Tonight, however, something tugged at the edges of his thoughts, pulling him away from the night's mission. His girlfriend, Y/N, had been on his mind more than usual. They had an established relationship, strong and loving, but she had her own demons-one of which was her debilitating nyctophobia. The fear of the dark was something she struggled with, especially when he was away on patrol.

As he leaped from rooftop to rooftop, his heart ached knowing she was probably curled up in their bed, trying to sleep despite the oppressive fear that darkness brought her. He always made it a point to be back before she woke up, but tonight he felt an overwhelming need to return sooner.

With one final glance over the city, Raphael decided to call it a night. He swiftly made his way back to their shared apartment, his movements fluid and silent. He landed on the fire escape and quietly opened the window to their bedroom, slipping inside without a sound. The room was bathed in the faint glow of the streetlights outside, creating long, eerie shadows that danced across the walls.

Raphael's heart tightened as he saw Y/N asleep in their bed, her face contorted in a slight frown even in slumber. He carefully moved closer, the weight of his armor making him seem more ominous in the dim light. As he approached the bed, Y/N stirred, her eyes fluttering open.

At first, she saw nothing but the dark silhouette of a hulking figure standing by her bed. Panic surged through her, and she let out a small, terrified gasp. Her heart raced, her breath quickening as her mind spun with fear.

"No, no, no," she whimpered, her voice trembling.

Raphael froze, realizing too late how terrifying his presence must seem. He immediately crouched down, trying to appear less imposing, and reached out a gloved hand.

"Y/N, it's me," he said softly, his voice muffled by the helmet.

But Y/N was too lost in her fear to recognize his voice. She backed away, pressing herself against the headboard, her eyes wide and filled with terror. Raphael cursed himself silently for not thinking this through. He needed to calm her down, to show her that it was him and that she was safe.

He slowly removed his helmet, revealing his familiar face. "Y/N, it's me, Raph. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

Y/N's breathing began to slow as she recognized his face and voice. Her eyes softened, but tears still streamed down her cheeks. "Raph?" she whispered, her voice shaky.

"Yeah, it's me," he replied, reaching out to gently touch her hand. "I'm here. You're safe."

She let out a shaky breath, her body slowly relaxing. "I... I thought..."

"I know," Raphael interrupted softly. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come in like this. I just wanted to check on you."

Y/N wiped her tears, trying to steady her breathing. "I hate being afraid like this. It's so stupid."

"It's not stupid," Raphael said firmly. "Everyone's afraid of something. You're not alone."

She looked at him, her eyes searching his face. "But you're not afraid of anything."

Raphael gave a small, rueful smile. "That's not true. I'm afraid of losing you, of not being there when you need me. We all have our fears, Y/N. It's okay to be scared."

She reached out, her fingers brushing against his cheek. "I just feel so helpless sometimes."

Raphael leaned into her touch, his eyes full of tenderness. "You're not helpless. You're one of the strongest people I know. You face your fear every night, and you get through it. That takes real courage."

Y/N smiled weakly, her fear slowly melting away in the warmth of his gaze. "I just... I just need you to hold me."

Raphael nodded, his heart aching with love for her. He carefully climbed into bed beside her, still in his Nightwatcher armor, and wrapped his arms around her. She snuggled into his chest, finding comfort in his strong embrace.

"I'm here," he whispered, kissing the top of her head. "I'll always be here."

As they lay together in the dark, the fear that had once gripped Y/N began to fade. She felt safe in Raphael's arms, knowing that no matter what, he would always protect her. The darkness was still there, but it was no longer something to be feared. With Raphael by her side, she knew she could face anything.

They stayed like that for a while, wrapped in each other's arms, until Y/N's breathing became steady and she drifted back to sleep. Raphael stayed awake, watching over her, his heart filled with a fierce protectiveness and love.

As the first light of dawn began to filter through the curtains, Raphael finally allowed himself to relax. He carefully slipped out of bed, not wanting to wake Y/N, and removed the rest of his armor. He placed it quietly in the corner of the room and returned to bed, pulling Y/N close once more.

She stirred slightly, a contented sigh escaping her lips. Raphael smiled, knowing that she was finally at peace. He kissed her forehead and closed his eyes, allowing himself to drift off to sleep, knowing that they had faced the darkness together and emerged stronger than ever.


The sun had fully risen when Y/N awoke again. She blinked, adjusting to the light streaming in through the window, and turned to see Raphael still lying beside her, his face relaxed and peaceful in sleep. She reached out, gently tracing the lines of his face with her fingers, feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love.

He stirred under her touch, his eyes slowly opening. When he saw her, a smile spread across his face. "Morning, beautiful."

"Morning," she replied, leaning in to kiss him softly. "Thank you for last night."

Raphael's smile widened, and he pulled her closer. "Anytime. I'll always be here for you, Y/N."

They lay there for a while longer, enjoying the quiet morning together. Y/N felt a newfound sense of strength and resilience. She knew that with Raphael by her side, she could face her fears and overcome them.

Eventually, they got up and went about their day, but the bond they shared had grown even stronger. They knew that no matter what challenges they faced, they would always have each other to lean on. And that was enough to banish any darkness that threatened to encroach on their lives.

Raphael continued his night patrols as the Nightwatcher, but he always made sure to return home to Y/N, knowing how much his presence meant to her. And every night, Y/N found comfort in the knowledge that her brave and loving boyfriend was always there to protect her, no matter what.

Together, they faced the darkness, finding strength in each other and in their love. And in that love, they found the light that could banish even the deepest shadows.

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