future RISE turtles x krangafied reader requested

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The future had never looked bleaker for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. With New York City reduced to a battlefield and the Krang nearing total domination, hope was a rare and precious commodity. The remaining bastion of resistance was a covert underground base, home to Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo—warriors hardened by years of relentless conflict.

Inside the dimly lit command center, the four brothers huddled around a holographic map. Donatello, the tech genius, manipulated the display with practiced ease, highlighting key points of interest.

"We need to hit these supply lines hard," Donnie emphasized, his voice steady despite the tension. "Cutting off their resources will slow their advance."

Leo, the de facto leader, nodded. "Agreed. But we need to coordinate with the resistance fighters in the sector. If we go in alone, we risk getting isolated and overwhelmed."

Raph, the team's muscle and their big-hearted protector, slapped a hand on Leo's shoulder, his demeanor less intense but just as determined. "Come on, Leo, we’ve been through worse. We can handle this, and we’ll have a plan ready in no time."

Mikey, the heart of the group, attempted a smile despite the dire circumstances. "We stick together, bros. Like always."

The gravity of their situation hung heavy in the air, but the bond between the brothers was unbreakable. They had faced countless threats, but the Krang invasion was unlike anything they had encountered. Still, they held onto a flicker of hope, driven by the desire to protect what was left of their world and the people they cared about.

Just as they finalized their plans, a shrill alarm echoed through the base. Donatello's wrist communicator blinked urgently. He glanced at it, eyes widening with concern.

"Guys, it's Y/N's panic button."

The room fell silent. Y/N had become an indispensable ally to the Turtles, aiding them in missions and providing much-needed emotional support. The thought of Y/N in danger sent a chill down their spines.

"What's the location?" Leo demanded.

Donnie's fingers flew over the controls. "Coordinates are coming in... It's an old industrial zone, not too far from here."

"We move now," Raph said, his voice firm but caring. He adjusted his massive frame and grabbed his tonfas, his concern for Y/N evident in his eyes. "We can't let anything happen to them."

The others followed without hesitation. Each step was filled with dread and determination. They couldn't afford to lose Y/N—not now, not ever.

The industrial zone was a twisted maze of crumbling buildings and rusted machinery. Shadows lurked around every corner, and the air was thick with the smell of decay and machinery oil. The Turtles moved with practiced stealth, their senses on high alert.

"Stay sharp," Leo whispered. "We don't know what we're walking into."

A faint, distorted sound reached their ears—a voice calling for help. Y/N's voice. They quickened their pace, hearts pounding in unison.

As they rounded a corner, they froze. There, in the dim light, was Y/N. But something was terribly wrong. Y/N's body had changed, grotesquely morphed with Krang technology. Tendrils of organic metal snaked from their skin, and their eyes glowed with an eerie, unnatural light.

"Y/N?" Mikey's voice cracked with disbelief.

Y/N's gaze snapped to them, a chilling smile spreading across their face. "Hello, Turtles," they said, their voice a horrifying blend of their own and the Krang's metallic tone. "Miss me?"

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