future! rise! Mikey x pregnant reader

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In the ruins of what was once a bustling city, now a stark reminder of the apocalypse that had reshaped the world, you navigated the treacherous landscape with caution. The sky, perpetually covered in ash and smoke, lent an eerie gray hue to everything. The buildings, crumbling and dilapidated, stood as silent witnesses to the chaos that had unfolded.

You paused to catch your breath, your hand instinctively going to your swollen belly. The faintest flutter of movement within brought a fleeting smile to your face. Despite the bleakness surrounding you, the life growing inside you was a beacon of hope, a promise of a future that might yet be brighter than the present.

Your thoughts drifted to Mikey, the carefree and humorous turtle who had somehow managed to retain his optimism even in the face of the apocalypse. The memories of your first meeting, the unlikely bond that had formed between you, and the love that had blossomed despite the odds all played out in your mind like scenes from a distant dream.

It had been a stroke of luck, or perhaps fate, that had brought you together. Amidst the chaos and the constant struggle for survival, Mikey's presence had been a balm to your soul. His jokes, his laughter, and his unwavering positivity had made the harsh realities of the world a little more bearable.

You reached the entrance of an old subway station, the designated meeting point. Mikey had insisted on checking the perimeter before you arrived, always protective and mindful of your safety. As you descended the stairs, the cool air of the underground passageway offered a brief respite from the oppressive heat above.

"Mikey?" you called softly, your voice echoing off the walls. A moment later, you heard the familiar sound of his skateboard wheels against the concrete, followed by his unmistakable voice.

"Hey, angel! Miss me?"

You couldn't help but smile as he came into view, his orange mask a splash of color in the drab surroundings. He skidded to a stop in front of you, his grin as infectious as ever. "How's my favorite mama-to-be?"

"I'm okay," you replied, your hand still resting on your belly. "Just tired."

Mikey's expression softened as he reached out to take your hand, his fingers warm and reassuring. "I told you I'd be back before you even noticed I was gone. Come on, let's get you settled."

He led you to a small alcove he had prepared, a makeshift shelter within the subway station. Blankets and cushions created a semblance of comfort, and a few battery-operated lanterns provided a soft, warm light. You sank down onto the blankets with a grateful sigh, the strain of the day easing from your body.

Mikey sat beside you, his skateboard set aside, and he reached into his bag, pulling out a small bundle wrapped in cloth. "Brought you something."

You unwrapped it to find a few precious items: some dried fruit, a can of beans, and a small container of water. "Mikey, where did you find these?"

He shrugged, a modest smile playing on his lips. "Just did a little scavenging. Wanted to make sure you had something good to eat."

Tears welled up in your eyes at his thoughtfulness. Despite everything, he always found a way to take care of you, to make sure you were safe and comfortable. You reached out and cupped his cheek, your thumb brushing over his green skin.

"Thank you," you whispered, your voice thick with emotion.

"Hey, none of that," he said gently, covering your hand with his. "We're in this together, remember? And pretty soon, we're gonna have a little ninja joining the team."

You chuckled, the sound tinged with both joy and sadness. "I just hope they get your sense of humor."

"Yeah, well, they're definitely gonna get your strength," he replied, his eyes shining with pride. "And that's all they'll need to make it in this world."

As the days turned into weeks, your routine became a delicate balance of survival and preparation for the arrival of your baby. Mikey never left your side for long, always ensuring you had enough to eat and a safe place to rest. His optimism was unwavering, even as the world outside grew more perilous.

One evening, as you sat together in your makeshift shelter, Mikey looked at you with a seriousness that was rare for him. "I’ve been thinking about names," he said, his tone uncharacteristically thoughtful.

"Oh?" you replied, curious.

"Yeah. If it’s a boy, how about Leo? And if it’s a girl, April?"

You felt a lump form in your throat at the names of his lost family members, a poignant reminder of the sacrifices and the bonds that had been formed and broken in this harsh new world. "I think those are perfect," you said, your voice barely above a whisper.

Mikey smiled, and for a moment, the weight of the world seemed a little lighter. "Yeah, I think they’d like that too."

As your due date approached, the reality of your situation became more pressing. The baby would be born into a world that was far from ideal, but with Mikey by your side, you knew you could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

One night, as you lay beside Mikey, you felt the first pangs of labor. Your breath hitched, and you reached out to wake him. "Mikey… it's time."

His eyes flew open, and in an instant, he was alert and by your side. "Okay, okay. We can do this. Just breathe, alright?"

His calm reassurance helped you through the pain, and he guided you through the labor with a surprising amount of knowledge and confidence. Hours later, as the first light of dawn filtered through the cracks in the subway station, you held your newborn child in your arms.

Mikey sat beside you, his eyes filled with awe and wonder. "We did it," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion.

You looked down at the tiny face peeking out from the blankets, and a sense of peace washed over you. Despite the devastation and the uncertainty of the world, there was hope. In that moment, surrounded by the remnants of a world gone by, you and Mikey had created something new, something beautiful.

"Welcome to the world, Leo," you said softly, your heart full to bursting with love and hope for the future.

Mikey wrapped his arm around you, pulling you close, and you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would face them together. In the midst of the apocalypse, you had found something worth fighting for, something that made every struggle, every hardship, worth it.

And with Mikey by your side, you knew you could face anything the world threw at you.

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