Rise! Raph x hot-headed! reader

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The sewers of New York City were usually a place of quiet. Well, as quiet as it could be given the bustling metropolis above. But today, the echoing clangs and the guttural growls bouncing off the concrete walls hinted at something else.

"Just breathe," you told yourself, taking in a deep breath and releasing it slowly, trying to calm the storm brewing inside you. "In and out."

The dojo, a place usually brimming with camaraderie and training, was now a battleground for your emotions. Splinter had suggested meditation to control your anger, but it was proving harder than expected. And the recent mission had been the tipping point. You'd almost blown your cover because you couldn't control your temper. Again.

"Hey, Y/N!" a booming voice echoed, drawing you from your thoughts. You turned to see Raph, the tallest and bulkiest of the turtles, enter the dojo. His red mask was almost glowing under the dim lighting.

"Not now, Raph," you muttered, turning away. "I'm not in the mood."

Raph didn't take the hint. "Come on, maybe some training will help. You know, hit some stuff, blow off some steam."

You glared at him, feeling the fire igniting within you again. "I said not now!"

Raph raised his hands in mock surrender, but his grin remained. "Alright, alright. Just thought I'd offer."

The thing about Raph was that he understood. He was the hothead of his family, often battling his own temper. But while he had the support and understanding of his brothers, you often felt like you were battling it alone.

Seeing that you weren't budging, Raph decided to stay. He sat down, crossing his legs, watching you with that annoying patience. It only made you angrier.

"What?" you snapped, unable to hold it in any longer.

Raph shrugged. "Just making sure you're okay."

You rolled your eyes. "I'm fine."

"Doesn't seem like it," he countered. "Wanna talk about it?"

"Not really," you said, clenching your fists. "Talking doesn't help."

"It helps me," Raph said, his tone surprisingly gentle. "Sometimes, letting it out makes it easier to handle."

You knew he was right, but admitting it felt like admitting defeat. Still, something about Raph's presence was oddly comforting. Maybe it was because he understood what it was like to fight your inner demons.

"I messed up," you admitted, the words tasting bitter. "On the mission. I almost got us caught because I lost my temper."

Raph nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Yeah, I heard. But we all mess up, Y/N. What matters is that we learn from it and get better."

"I don't know how," you confessed, your voice breaking. "I feel like this anger is consuming me."

Raph scooted closer, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "It's a part of you, just like it's a part of me. But it doesn't define you. You gotta find a way to channel it, use it to make you stronger, not weaker."

You looked into his eyes, finding an unexpected depth there. It was easy to forget that beneath his tough exterior, Raph was as vulnerable and complex as anyone else.

"How?" you asked, your voice small.

Raph smiled. "Let's start with training. Hit some stuff. Hard. Trust me, it helps."

Despite your initial resistance, you found yourself following him to the training area. Raph set up some punching bags and stood beside you, demonstrating a few moves.

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