Rise!Donnie x autistic reader requested

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The hum of machinery and the gentle whirring of Donnie's computers were the only sounds that filled the lab. You found solace in these repetitive, predictable noises, a stark contrast to the chaotic world outside the walls of the lair. Your fingers deftly manipulated the components of a small circuit board, your mind fully immersed in the intricate patterns and connections.

Being in Donnie's lab had always been a sanctuary for you. It was a place where you could focus, where your mind could dive into the complexities of technology without the overwhelming stimuli of the outside world. Donnie understood this. He understood you. He was one of the few people who truly did, partly because he shared your sensitivity to loud sounds and touch, but mostly because he cared enough to learn.

You didn't hear him come in. Donnie was always so quiet when he moved, a skill he'd honed to perfection. His unexpected presence was usually a welcome one, but today, as he approached, something was different. You were deep in concentration, and the sudden, light touch on your back sent a shockwave through your system. You froze, your muscles locking in place as your brain struggled to process the unexpected sensation.

Donnie felt you freeze under his touch. He hesitated for a split second, his keen mind registering your reaction. But then, he shrugged it off, attributing it to your usual aversion to unexpected contact, and continued farther into the lab, his attention diverted by the array of projects strewn across his workbench.

You took a deep breath, willing your body to relax, and slowly resumed your work. The moment passed, but it left a lingering tension in your shoulders. You tried to shake it off, focusing on the task at hand. Time seemed to blur in the lab, and before you knew it, you needed a specific tool to complete your project. You looked around, but it was nowhere in sight.

"Donnie?" you called out, your voice soft but clear in the quiet space. "Can you pass me the micro-soldering tool?"

Donnie looked up from his work, spotting the tool you needed on a nearby shelf. He walked over to retrieve it, his movements smooth and efficient. But as he reached you, the tool slipped from his grasp, hitting the metal floor with a loud clang.

The noise pierced through the relative calm like a knife, and you instinctively brought your hands up to your ears, covering them tightly. The sound reverberated in your mind, a sharp and painful intrusion that made you wince.

Donnie's eyes widened as he saw your reaction. He crouched down, quickly picking up the tool, and placed it gently on the workbench beside you. His usual confident demeanor softened, replaced by a look of concern and understanding.

"Hey," he said softly, his voice gentle and soothing. "Are you okay?"

You took a moment to compose yourself, slowly lowering your hands from your ears. The sharpness of the sound had faded, but the discomfort lingered.

"Yeah," you replied, your voice a bit shaky. "I just... I don't handle loud sounds very well."

Donnie nodded, his expression thoughtful. He pulled up a stool and sat down beside you, his posture relaxed and non-threatening. "I get that," he said. "I'm not a big fan of loud noises either. They can be pretty overwhelming."

You glanced at him, appreciating his understanding. It was one of the reasons you felt so comfortable around Donnie. He never dismissed your feelings or made you feel abnormal.

"Donnie," you began, hesitating for a moment. "There's something I haven't told you. I have autism."

Donnie's reaction was immediate and genuine. "Oh, that makes sense," he said, nodding. "I mean, I kind of figured. I'm autistic too."

You stared at him, surprised. "You are?"

"Yeah," he confirmed. "It's part of why I love technology so much. It's predictable and logical. It makes sense when a lot of other things don't."

A sense of relief washed over you. Knowing that Donnie shared your experiences and understood your struggles made you feel less alone. You had always felt a connection with him, but this revelation deepened it.

"I'm sorry I startled you earlier," Donnie said, his tone sincere. "I didn't mean to. And the noise... I should have been more careful."

"It's okay," you replied, giving him a small smile. "I know you didn't mean to. It's just... sometimes things like that are hard for me to handle."

Donnie nodded, his gaze steady and supportive. "I get it. We can work on making the lab a bit quieter and more predictable. Maybe set up some rules for when we're both working in here. Would that help?"

The idea sounded wonderful. Having a set of guidelines to minimize unexpected sounds and touches would make the lab an even more comfortable place for both of you. "Yeah, that would be great," you agreed.

Together, you and Donnie brainstormed a list of ways to make the lab more sensory-friendly. You decided on things like keeping tools in designated places to avoid accidental drops, using noise-canceling mats on the floor, and establishing a system of signals to announce your presence when entering the lab.

As you worked on these ideas, you felt a sense of camaraderie with Donnie that you hadn't experienced with anyone else. He didn't just understand your needs; he shared them, and he was willing to make adjustments to ensure both of you could thrive in the space you loved.

Over the next few weeks, the changes you and Donnie implemented transformed the lab. The once-occasional jolts of discomfort became rare, and you found it even easier to immerse yourself in your projects. Donnie was always nearby, his presence a comforting constant as you worked side by side.

One day, as you both tinkered with a new invention, Donnie looked up from his work and met your gaze. "You know," he said, his tone thoughtful, "I think we make a pretty good team."

You smiled, feeling the warmth of his words. "Yeah, we do."

The lab had become more than just a sanctuary for you. It was a place where you could be yourself, where your quirks and sensitivities were not just tolerated but understood and respected. And most importantly, it was a place where you had found a true friend in Donnie.

The bond you shared with him was unique, forged through mutual understanding and a shared love of technology. Together, you navigated the challenges of being autistic in a world that often didn't make sense, finding solace and strength in each other's company.

And in the quiet, humming heart of the lab, you discovered that you were never truly alone.

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