future!RISE! turtles x sister reader requested

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In the year 2020, the world had changed in ways no one could have predicted. Beneath the surface, in the darkened corners of New York City, an ancient battle continued to rage between the forces of good and evil. The city’s protectors, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, had evolved. Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo had become seasoned warriors, tempered by countless battles and the relentless march of time. They were not alone; by their side fought their sister, Y/N, a formidable ninja in her own right.

Their lives were a delicate balance of camaraderie, combat, and family. Each mission brought its own set of dangers, but nothing could have prepared them for the heart-wrenching ordeal they were about to face.

The night air was thick with tension as the Turtles prepared for their latest mission. A powerful, shadowy figure known as The Shredder had resurfaced, and intelligence suggested he was planning something catastrophic. The team, including Y/N, was determined to thwart his plans. As they gathered their gear, Y/N felt a strange unease settle in her stomach. “Be careful out there,” she said, her voice steady despite her apprehension.

Leonardo, the de facto leader, gave her a reassuring nod. “We’ve got this. Just stick to the plan.”

The plan was simple: infiltrate Shredder’s lair, gather intel, and get out. But as the night wore on, it became clear that the situation was far more complicated. A sudden explosion rocked the underground facility, separating Y/N from her brothers.

Panic clawed at Leonardo’s chest as he tried to contact Y/N through their comms. “Y/N, do you copy? Y/N!” Static was the only reply. The brothers exchanged worried glances. “Stay calm,” Donatello said, his voice shaking. “We’ll find her.” They retraced their steps, scouring the maze-like corridors of the lair. Every second felt like an eternity. Finally, they stumbled upon a scene that made their blood run cold.

Y/N lay on the ground, unconscious and surrounded by a pool of her own blood. Her weapons were scattered around her, signs of a fierce struggle evident. “No!” Raphael roared, rushing to her side. Michelangelo dropped to his knees, tears streaming down his face. “We need to get her out of here!” Leonardo lifted Y/N gently, his heart pounding in his chest. “Donnie, help me!”

The journey back to their base was a blur of frantic movements and whispered prayers. Leonardo’s grip on Y/N tightened as he ran, willing her to hold on. Donatello’s medical bay became a flurry of activity. He worked with precision, his usual calm demeanor replaced with a fierce determination. Blood was everywhere, staining his hands and instruments. “Donnie, you have to save her,” Michelangelo whispered, his voice breaking. “I’m doing everything I can,” Donatello replied, his face a mask of concentration.

Hours passed like a slow-moving nightmare. The brothers could do nothing but wait, their minds filled with worst-case scenarios. The silence was suffocating, broken only by the sound of Donatello’s tools and the beeping of monitors. Finally, Donatello emerged, exhaustion etched into his features. “She’s stable. Now, we wait.”

The Turtles gathered around Y/N’s bed, their worry palpable. She lay motionless, a stark contrast to her usual vibrant self. Leonardo held her hand, willing her to wake up. “Come on, sis,” he whispered. “You’re stronger than this.” Raphael paced the room, fists clenched in frustration. Michelangelo sat at her bedside, holding her other hand and murmuring words of encouragement. Donatello kept checking her vitals, every beep of the monitor a small reassurance.

As the hours dragged on, the Turtles’ fatigue grew, but they refused to leave her side. They took turns resting, each brother holding onto the hope that she would wake up. It was just before dawn when Y/N finally stirred. Her fingers twitched, and a soft groan escaped her lips. Leonardo’s eyes snapped open, and he leaned closer. “Y/N? Can you hear me?”

Her eyelids fluttered, and she opened her eyes, squinting against the harsh light. The sight of her brothers, their faces etched with worry and relief, filled her vision. “Leo?” Her voice was weak but recognizable. Leonardo’s heart leapt. “Guys, she’s awake!”

The room erupted with emotion. Michelangelo hugged her gently, tears streaming down his face. “You scared us, sis.” Raphael’s tough exterior cracked as he let out a choked sob. “Don’t ever do that again, you hear me?” Donatello wiped his eyes, his voice shaking. “We thought we lost you.” Y/N’s gaze softened as she looked at each of her brothers. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to worry you.” Leonardo squeezed her hand. “What matters is that you’re okay.”

They stayed by her side, talking in hushed tones, sharing stories and laughter. The fear that had gripped them was replaced by a profound sense of gratitude. As the first light of dawn filtered into the room, the Turtles knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together. Their bond, forged in the fires of countless battles, had only grown stronger.

Weeks passed, and Y/N slowly regained her strength. Her brothers were there every step of the way, their support unwavering. The mission that had nearly cost her life became a reminder of the importance of family and the strength they drew from each other.

One evening, as they gathered on the rooftop of their lair, looking out over the city they had sworn to protect, Y/N spoke up. “Thank you,” she said, her voice filled with emotion. “For everything.” Leonardo wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “We’re family. We stick together.” Raphael nodded. “No matter what.” Michelangelo grinned. “And we’ll always have your back.” Donatello adjusted his glasses, a rare smile on his face. “To the end.”

As they stood together, watching the sun set over New York City, they knew that whatever the future held, they would face it as a family. And that was all they needed. In the heart of the city, amidst the shadows and the chaos, the Turtles found their strength in each other. And in that strength, they found hope, love, and the promise of a better tomorrow.

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