Rise! Donnie x suicidal reader

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Finding Light in the Shadows

In the sprawling metropolis of New York City, beneath the bustling streets and towering skyscrapers, lies a world unknown to most. It is here, in the labyrinthine sewers and hidden lairs, that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reside. Among them, Donatello—or Donnie, as his brothers called him—stood out. The purple-masked genius with a love for technology and invention, he was the brain behind many of their daring escapades. But today, his heart and mind were set on something much more delicate and crucial.


You had always loved the city's energy, the constant hum of life, and the endless possibilities it promised. But lately, that same energy felt overwhelming, suffocating. Each day felt like an insurmountable challenge, and every night brought a crushing sense of despair. The cheerful façade you wore was beginning to crack, and the darkness within seemed to grow with each passing day. You felt alone, unseen, and unheard in a city teeming with people.

On a particularly cold and bleak evening, you found yourself wandering the streets with no clear destination. The rain poured down, soaking you to the bone, but you didn't care. You felt numb to the cold, numb to everything. You stopped on the edge of a bridge, looking down at the swirling waters below, contemplating the finality of it all. A sudden noise behind you made you turn, and there he was—Donnie.

He looked just as surprised to see you as you were to see him. The rain dripped from his purple mask, and his eyes, normally filled with analytical sharpness, now held a softness and concern that caught you off guard.

"What are you doing out here?" he asked, his voice gentle yet firm.

You shrugged, not trusting yourself to speak. You couldn't tell him the thoughts that had brought you to this bridge, the darkness that had been closing in on you. But Donnie was perceptive; he could see through the mask you wore.

"Come on," he said, offering his hand. "Let's get out of the rain."

You hesitated but eventually took his hand, feeling the warmth and strength in his grip. He led you to a hidden entrance, and soon you were descending into the sewers. The lair of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was unlike anything you had imagined. It was a blend of high-tech gadgets, cozy living spaces, and an unmistakable sense of home.

Donnie handed you a towel and a warm blanket. "You need to get dry. I'll make you some tea."

You watched him move around the kitchen, marveling at how someone could be so precise yet so caring. The hot tea warmed you from the inside, but it was Donnie's presence that made you feel truly safe for the first time in a long while.

"Thank you," you said quietly, staring into the cup. "For bringing me here."

Donnie nodded, taking a seat across from you. "You seemed like you needed a friend."

You felt the tears well up, but you blinked them back. "I don't know what I need," you admitted, your voice trembling. "I just feel so... lost."

Donnie reached out, covering your hand with his. "You're not alone. We all have moments when we feel like the world is too much. But you don't have to face it by yourself."


Days turned into weeks, and you found yourself spending more and more time at the turtles' lair. Donnie introduced you to his brothers—Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael—each of whom welcomed you with open arms. You were slowly becoming part of their family, finding comfort in their unique dynamics and unwavering support.

Donnie, in particular, became your anchor. He was always there to listen, to offer a word of encouragement, or just to sit in silence with you when the weight of your thoughts became too heavy. He shared his own struggles with you, the pressures of being the brains behind their operations, the fear of failure, and the burden of responsibility. Knowing that even someone as brilliant as Donnie had his own battles helped you feel less isolated in yours.

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