future! Rise! turtles x goddess of life reader

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In the year 2040, New York City lay in ruins. Buildings stood skeletal against a smoky sky, and the streets were barren, save for the occasional scurrying rat or the distant wail of a warning siren. The apocalypse had not come suddenly but crept upon the world, ushered in by the invasion of the Krang, alien conquerors with no regard for life.

In a hidden subterranean lair beneath the shattered city, four figures moved with the practiced grace of warriors. These were the future versions of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, hardened by battle and loss. Michelangelo, once the carefree jokester of the group, now bore the weight of his experiences heavily. His eyes, once bright with mischief, now seemed permanently shadowed by sorrow.

Mikey sat in the corner of the lair, hunched over a small, flickering holo-projector. The device hummed to life, displaying holographic images of days long gone. He watched scenes of his younger self and his brothers, Leonardo, Raphael, and Donatello, sparring, laughing, and living in a world that was still whole.

"Remember this, Leo?" Mikey called out, his voice tinged with a bittersweet nostalgia. "That time we pranked Splinter with the hot sauce in his tea?"

Leonardo, now the grizzled leader with a hardened exterior, glanced over, a rare smile tugging at his lips. "Yeah, he made us train double for a week after that."

Raphael, as imposing as ever, snorted. "Worth it," he muttered, crossing his massive arms.

Donatello, their genius brother, was busy tinkering with a piece of scavenged technology but paused to look at the projection. "Those were simpler times," he said, his voice softer than usual. "Before the Krang..."

Mikey nodded, his eyes glistening. "Before everything changed."

Suddenly, a faint, melodic voice echoed through the lair, breaking the somber mood. The turtles sprang to their feet, weapons drawn and ready, their instincts honed by years of combat. The voice, however, was calm and soothing, cutting through their tension like a warm breeze.

"Do not be afraid, warriors," the voice said. "I mean you no harm."

The turtles exchanged wary glances, inching closer together. From the shadows, a figure emerged, bathed in a soft, ethereal light. She was unlike anything they had ever seen, with an aura of serenity and power that seemed to pulse with life itself.

"I am the Goddess of Life," she introduced herself, her eyes meeting each of theirs in turn. "And I am here to help you defeat the Krang."

Leo narrowed his eyes, still not lowering his katana. "A goddess, huh? We've seen a lot of things, but gods and goddesses? That's a new one."

The goddess nodded, a gentle smile playing on her lips. "I understand your skepticism. But I am here because your world, your lives, are in grave danger. The Krang threaten not just your existence, but the very essence of life itself."

Donatello, ever the skeptic, stepped forward. "If you're really a goddess, prove it. Show us something only a divine being could."

Without a word, the goddess raised her hands. A soft, green light emanated from her palms, spreading throughout the room. The turtles watched in awe as dead plants began to sprout new leaves, the cracked walls mended themselves, and the air became fresher, filled with the scent of blooming flowers.

Mikey felt a warmth spread through his chest, a sensation he hadn't felt in years—hope. "Okay," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Let's say we believe you. How can you help us?"

The goddess lowered her hands, the light fading but leaving the lair noticeably revitalized. "The Krang's power is rooted in death and destruction. As the Goddess of Life, I can counteract their influence, heal your wounds, and strengthen your resolve. But more importantly, I can provide you with knowledge and strategies that will turn the tide in your favor."

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