future! RISE! Leo x irresponsible reader

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The world had gone to hell in a handbasket. Literally. The sky was a perpetual shade of bruised purple, streaked with bolts of lightning that crackled and hissed like an angry cat. Buildings lay in ruins, the streets were overrun with mutated creatures, and hope was a scarce commodity. But there was still laughter, albeit scarce, especially if you were hanging around with Y/N.

Y/N had an uncanny ability to find humor in the darkest of times. "Hey Leo, what do you call a pile of cats?" Y/N asked, vaulting over a crumbling wall with a grace that belied their usual careless demeanor.

Leonardo, the future version of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' blue-masked leader, turned his head slightly, his usually serious eyes crinkling in slight amusement. "What?"

"A meow-tain!" Y/N declared, grinning widely.

Despite the weight of the world pressing on his shoulders, Leo couldn't help but chuckle. Y/N’s infectious energy was a breath of fresh air in a world that had forgotten what it felt like to laugh.

As they navigated through the ruined city, Y/N continued to crack jokes and make light of their situation. "You know, if we ever get out of this mess, I'm starting a comedy club. Maybe I'll call it 'Apocalypse Laughs' – laughter guaranteed or your doom back!"

Leo smiled, shaking his head. "You never stop, do you?"

"Why should I?" Y/N replied, skipping ahead. "If we're gonna save the world, we might as well have some fun doing it."

Their destination was the old lair, hidden beneath the ruins of what used to be New York City. It was one of the few safe havens left, a place where they could regroup and plan their next move against the Krang, the alien invaders that had turned their world into a nightmare.

Leo's mind was a whirlwind of strategies and concerns, but Y/N’s constant banter kept him grounded. They reminded him of what they were fighting for – not just survival, but the chance to bring back joy, even in small doses.

As they reached the entrance to the lair, a massive sewer grate that had seen better days, Y/N wiggled their fingers in a mockingly mystical way. "Open sesame!"

Leo rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a grin. "Magic words won't open this one. We need to –"

Before he could finish, Y/N had already pulled out a makeshift keycard, a relic of their past scavenging adventures. They swiped it through the rusty lock mechanism, and with a groan, the grate slid open.

"Told ya! Magic words work every time," Y/N said with a wink, hopping inside.

The lair was a ghost of its former self. Dust and debris covered the once lively space where Leo and his brothers had trained and bonded. Now, it was a shadowy refuge, filled with memories of a time that seemed almost dreamlike in its simplicity.

Leo sighed, looking around. "I can't believe it's come to this."

Y/N patted his shoulder. "Hey, it's not all bad. At least we still have pizza... sometimes."

Leo laughed, a rare sound these days. "If you can call that radioactive sludge pizza."

"Hey, pizza is pizza. You learn to appreciate the little things when you're living in an apocalypse," Y/N said, plopping down on an old couch and stretching out. "So, what's the plan, fearless leader?"

Leo ran a hand over his face, the weight of his responsibilities clear. "We need to find Mikey and Donnie. They were last seen near the old laboratory in the Bronx. If we can regroup and find Raph, we might stand a chance."

"Piece of cake," Y/N said, throwing a mock punch into the air. "Just another day in paradise."

Leo’s smile faded as he thought about his brothers. They had been through so much, and the thought of losing any of them was unbearable. But Y/N's unwavering optimism was a beacon in the darkness, reminding him that there was still hope, still a reason to keep fighting.

TMNT X Reader Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now