future! Rise! Turtles x adopted! child! reader

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The once bustling streets of New York City had fallen silent, swallowed by the relentless onslaught of the Krang invasion. Buildings lay in ruins, their skeletal remains casting long shadows over the deserted avenues. The air was thick with the acrid scent of smoke and the eerie silence of a world brought to its knees. Yet, in the heart of this apocalyptic landscape, a makeshift family forged by fate and survival found a glimmer of hope.

You had been wandering for days, a small child lost in the chaos, clutching a tattered teddy bear that had once been a comforting companion. Your clothes were dirty and torn, and your eyes, wide with fear, darted around at every sound. You had no memory of your parents, only vague recollections of their warmth and love. Now, you were alone, your tiny feet sore from walking, your stomach aching with hunger.

One fateful night, as you huddled in the corner of a crumbling building, the distant sound of battle reached your ears. The ground trembled with the force of explosions, and you pressed your hands over your ears, trying to block out the noise. The world was a terrifying place, and you had no idea how you would survive.

But then, in the midst of the chaos, a shadow fell over you. You looked up to see a tall figure, cloaked in darkness, but there was something about him that seemed different from the others. His eyes, though fierce, held a spark of something you hadn't seen in a long time—compassion.

"Hey, little one," came a gentle voice, surprisingly soothing in the harshness of the world. "Are you okay?"

You nodded slowly, unable to find your voice. The figure crouched down, revealing his green skin and the unmistakable mask of a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. It was Raphael, his red mask tattered but still recognizable.

"Don't worry, kid," Raphael said, his voice gruff yet kind. "You're safe now."

He scooped you up in his strong arms, and for the first time in days, you felt a sense of safety. Raphael carried you through the rubble-strewn streets to a hidden underground lair where the rest of his brothers were waiting.

Leo, the leader of the turtles, was the first to approach. His blue mask was stained with dirt and blood, but his eyes shone with determination. "Who do we have here, Raph?"

"Found this little one alone," Raphael replied, setting you down gently. "Thought they could use some help."

Mikey, the ever-optimistic and carefree brother, bounded over with a wide grin. His orange mask was a bright spot of color in the gloom. "Hey there, kiddo! Welcome to the family!"

Donnie, the genius of the group, adjusted his glasses and knelt beside you. His purple mask framed his thoughtful face. "We'll take care of you," he said softly. "You're safe with us."

Over the following days, you began to adjust to your new life with the turtles. They were unlike anyone you had ever known—brave, kind, and fiercely protective. They taught you how to survive in this harsh new world, and in return, you brought a sense of normalcy and hope to their lives.

Casey Jr., a young warrior who had been training with the turtles, quickly became your closest friend. He was only a few years older than you, but he had already seen more of the world than most adults. Together, you explored the hidden corners of the lair, played games to pass the time, and shared stories of the world that once was.

One evening, as you sat around a small fire, Leo began to tell a story about their past battles and victories. His voice was filled with pride, but there was also a hint of sadness. The world had changed so much, and the turtles had lost many friends along the way.

"But we're still here," Leo said, his voice steady. "And as long as we're together, we have hope."

Raphael, who had been quietly sharpening his sai, looked up and nodded. "That's right. We'll protect each other, no matter what."

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