Rise! Donnie x Leatherback Sea Turtle reader requested

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The moon hung low over the city, casting its silver glow across the rooftops of New York. Somewhere in the labyrinth of alleys and high-rise buildings, the night held a secret—a clash between two unseen forces. High above the streets, shadows danced on the rooftops, and amidst them, the stealthy movements of a Leatherback Sea Turtle mutant. Known simply as (Y/N), they were a force to be reckoned with, unmatched in their stealth and skill, even by the formidable Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Tonight, (Y/N) moved with purpose, their dark eyes scanning the cityscape. They had caught wind of a new threat, a mutant causing havoc in the streets. Little did they know, they weren’t the only ones on the hunt.


Donatello, or Donnie as his brothers called him, adjusted his tech-bo staff as he peered through his high-tech binoculars. He and his brothers had been tracking a mutant, and their search had led them to this part of the city. Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael were scattered across the neighboring rooftops, each on high alert.

"Anything yet, Donnie?" Leo's voice crackled through the earpiece.

"Not yet, but I'm picking up some strange readings," Donnie replied, his fingers flying over the keyboard of his portable computer. "Whatever we're dealing with, it's big and it's not far from here."

"Stay sharp, guys," Leo instructed. "We don't know what we're up against."

As the turtles remained vigilant, a sudden commotion drew Donnie’s attention. He focused his binoculars on a distant rooftop, where the shadowy figure of another mutant engaged in combat with their target. The newcomer was a Leatherback Sea Turtle, and they moved with a grace and precision that Donnie found mesmerizing.

"Guys, we've got another mutant," Donnie announced. "And they're fighting our target."

"We better move," Raph's gruff voice replied. "Let's back them up."

The turtles converged on the location, arriving just in time to see (Y/N) land a powerful blow on the enemy mutant, sending it sprawling. They recognized their foe—a monstrous hybrid of a bear and a boar, its massive frame covered in thick, bristly fur and tusks gleaming under the moonlight.

The bear-boar mutant roared, charging at (Y/N) with unbridled fury. But (Y/N) was faster, sidestepping and delivering a flurry of strikes with their twin sai. Despite their smaller size, they held their ground with an ease that impressed the turtles.

"Whoa, check out those moves," Mikey whispered in awe.

Leo stepped forward, drawing his katana. "We should help."

The turtles joined the fray, their combined efforts quickly overwhelming the bear-boar mutant. Raph’s brute strength, Mikey’s agility, Leo’s precision, and Donnie’s tech-savvy tactics created a seamless assault. (Y/N) glanced at the new arrivals, a brief nod acknowledging their presence before refocusing on the fight.

With a final coordinated strike, the mutant was subdued. It lay unconscious on the rooftop, its roars reduced to pained groans. The turtles caught their breath, turning to face (Y/N), who regarded them with a mix of curiosity and caution.

"Thanks for the assist," Leo said, sheathing his katana. "I'm Leo, and these are my brothers—Raph, Mikey, and Donnie."

(Y/N)'s eyes lingered on Donnie for a moment longer than the others, before giving a slight bow. "I’m (Y/N)."

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N)," Donnie said, stepping forward. "You're incredible. The way you handled that mutant—it was impressive."

(Y/N)’s lips curved into a small, almost imperceptible smile. "I've been training for a long time. The city can be unforgiving."

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