future! Rise! father! donnie x child! reader

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The sky was painted in shades of ash and ember, remnants of a world that once thrived under the warm embrace of the sun. Amid the ruins of New York City, one place remained untouched by the chaos - a hidden sanctuary deep beneath the streets, in the labyrinth of tunnels and forgotten sewers. Here, the future version of Donatello, or Donnie as he was fondly called, had built a haven for his child.

Life had been a relentless challenge since the world above had fallen into despair. The once-bustling metropolis was now a landscape of broken dreams and constant danger. Yet, within the sanctuary, there was a different kind of life. It was a life of hope, love, and above all, the promise of a future.

Donnie had never imagined himself as a father. He was always the tech genius, the logical thinker, the one who built machines and solved problems. But when he looked into your eyes, he saw a purpose far greater than any invention he had ever created. You were his child, his world, and he would move mountains to keep you safe.

From the day you were born, Donnie dedicated himself to ensuring you had a life as normal as possible despite the apocalyptic surroundings. He fashioned a crib out of scrap metal, adorned with soft blankets and pillows scavenged from abandoned homes. He programmed old security bots to guard the entrance to their underground home, their beady eyes scanning for any threats. You grew up surrounded by the hum of machinery, the soft glow of computer screens, and the constant, reassuring presence of your father.

"Alright, little one," Donnie would say, lifting you onto his shoulders as he tinkered with yet another piece of tech. "Time to learn about the wonders of quantum mechanics!" You would giggle, clutching onto his purple mask as he rambled on about science and technology, words you didn't quite understand but loved hearing nonetheless.

As you got older, Donnie's teachings became more practical. He showed you how to handle yourself in the tunnels, how to recognize the sounds of danger, and how to use basic tools. "Always stay alert," he would remind you, his tone serious but his eyes full of love. "And remember, no matter what happens, I'll always be here to protect you."

One day, while rummaging through the ruins of an old electronics store, Donnie stumbled upon a forgotten treasure - a functioning gaming console. He couldn't wait to show you. He hurried back to the sanctuary, a rare smile spreading across his face.

"Hey, kiddo!" he called out as he entered your shared space. "I've got a surprise for you."

You ran to him, curiosity gleaming in your eyes. Donnie set up the console, and soon, the room was filled with the sounds of laughter and playful competition. For a few precious hours, the world outside ceased to exist. It was just you, your father, and the joy of a simple game.

Despite the harshness of the world above, Donnie made sure you had moments like these. He wanted you to know that there was more to life than just survival. There was happiness, curiosity, and the bond between a father and his child.

As time passed, you grew stronger and more adept. You inherited Donnie's intelligence and knack for technology, often surprising him with your ingenuity. "You're a natural," he would say, pride evident in his voice. "Just like your old man."

One evening, as the two of you sat by the soft glow of a makeshift fire, you asked Donnie about the world before everything fell apart. He told you stories of skyscrapers that touched the sky, of bustling streets filled with people, and of the vibrant life that once existed. His eyes grew distant as he spoke, a hint of sadness creeping into his voice.

"But those days are gone," he said softly, looking at you with a mixture of sorrow and determination. "What matters now is that we keep moving forward. We build a future together, one step at a time."

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