2012!Leo x black Latino reader

94 3 2

Tangled Threads

April had been talking about her friend for weeks now, a girl she described as vibrant and fun-loving, someone she trusted implicitly. The turtles were intrigued, especially since April’s friends rarely got to know about their existence. But the day had come when April decided to introduce her to them.

In the dimly lit underground lair, Leonardo and his brothers were engaged in their usual evening activities. Donnie was in his lab, Mikey was perfecting his skateboarding tricks, and Raph was shadowboxing in a corner. Leo, however, was seated comfortably on the couch, absorbed in an episode of Space Heroes.

"Hey, guys! I brought someone to meet you!" April's voice echoed through the lair, immediately grabbing everyone's attention. The turtles gathered, curious and slightly apprehensive.

Beside April stood a girl with dark brown skin and an infectious smile. She was petite, around 5'4", but her hair was the most remarkable feature. It cascaded down her back in a thick, dark brown waterfall, nearly touching the ground.

“Everyone, this is Y/N,” April introduced her friend with a grin.

Y/N waved enthusiastically. "Hi! Nice to finally meet you all!"

Mikey, ever the extrovert, was the first to approach. "Whoa, that’s some amazing hair! How do you even manage it?"

Y/N laughed, a melodious sound that filled the lair with warmth. "With a lot of patience and a lot of help," she said, glancing at April with a knowing smile.

As the introductions continued, Leo found himself intrigued by Y/N. Her vibrant energy was a stark contrast to his usual disciplined demeanor. Throughout the evening, he watched as she easily made conversation with his brothers, her laughter and playful spirit lifting the mood in the lair.

Later that night, after April had left, Y/N stayed behind, claiming she wanted to get to know the turtles better. Leo, back on the couch, resumed his show, but his attention was divided. He couldn't help but glance at Y/N, who was now exploring the various nooks and crannies of the lair with genuine curiosity.

“Hey, Leo,” she called out, her voice pulling him out of his thoughts.

“Yeah?” he responded, turning to face her.

Y/N held up a brush and gave him a pleading look. "Could you help me with my hair? It’s really hard to manage on my own sometimes."

Leo blinked, surprised by the request. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever done anyone’s hair before. But there was something endearing about her request, something that made him want to help.

“Sure,” he said, setting his Space Heroes DVD aside. Y/N beamed and sat down in front of him, her long hair fanning out around her.

“Thanks, Leo. You’re a lifesaver,” she said, handing him the brush.

Leo took a deep breath, gently running the brush through her hair. It was softer than he had imagined, and he was careful not to pull too hard. As he worked through the tangles, Y/N started talking.

“You know, when April first told me about you guys, I thought she was joking. I mean, giant turtles living in the sewers? It sounded like something out of a comic book.”

Leo chuckled. “Yeah, it’s not exactly normal, is it?”

“But it’s cool,” Y/N said, looking over her shoulder at him. “You guys are like superheroes. And I’ve always wanted to meet real-life heroes.”

Leo felt his cheeks heat up slightly. “We’re not heroes. We’re just trying to do the right thing.”

“That’s what makes you heroes,” Y/N insisted. “And it’s pretty awesome, if you ask me.”

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