Rise! Turtles x Spider-Man reader requested

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**A Web of Fates: Love Among the Sewers**

The moonlight filtered through the lattice of New York City's skyscrapers, casting an eerie glow over the labyrinthine alleys below. The bustling city never slept, and tonight, like any other, it was alive with the whispers of the unseen and the stories untold. Among these hidden tales was one that intertwined the fates of heroes who walked in the shadows, both literally and figuratively.

In the sewers below, four brothers embarked on their nightly patrol. Leonardo, the steadfast leader with his katanas sheathed on his back; Raphael, the brawny protector with his trusty sais in hand; Donatello, the tech genius constantly tinkering with his gadgets; and Michelangelo, the free-spirited jokester always looking for fun. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were a team bound by blood and a sense of duty to protect their city.

"Alright, guys," Leonardo said, his tone authoritative yet warm. "Let's keep an eye out. The Foot Clan has been quiet lately, too quiet."

Raphael scoffed. "Maybe they're finally scared of us."

Donatello shook his head, his goggles glinting in the dim light. "Doubtful. Villains like them always have something up their sleeves."

"Or in their socks!" Michelangelo quipped, earning a chuckle from his brothers.

As they emerged from a manhole cover in a deserted alley, their keen senses picked up on an unusual sound—a soft whoosh followed by a brief, rhythmic thwip. The Turtles exchanged curious glances.

"What the shell was that?" Raphael asked, his grip tightening on his sais.

Leonardo motioned for silence, and they crept toward the sound, blending into the shadows. What they saw next was a figure in red and blue, swinging gracefully between the buildings with a skill that left even the agile Turtles in awe.

"It's Spider-Man," Donatello whispered, recognizing the iconic suit and movements.

The Turtles watched as you, Spider-Man, landed in the midst of a group of thugs, your lithe form moving with a fluidity that made the Turtles hold their breath. Your arrival was met with immediate hostility, the thugs charging at you with a mix of weapons and fists.

"Guess we're getting a show tonight," Michelangelo whispered, his eyes wide with excitement.

Leonardo, however, was more focused. "No, we're getting involved. Let's go."

The Turtles sprang into action, leaping from the shadows to join you in the fray. Startled, you glanced over at the unexpected reinforcements, momentarily thrown off by their appearance. But there was no time to question allies in the middle of a fight.

"Need a hand?" Raphael grunted, punching a thug away from you.

"Thanks, big guy," you replied, using your webs to disarm another attacker. The Turtles' teamwork was impressive, their movements synchronized and efficient.

Once the last of the thugs were down, you took a moment to catch your breath, your masked face turning to the four unusual figures. "Turtles, huh? Can't say I've seen you around."

Leonardo stepped forward, sheathing his katanas. "We're the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. You must be Spider-Man."

"That's me," you said with a nod. "Nice moves back there. You guys train a lot?"

"Every day," Donatello replied, adjusting his goggles. "And we constantly upgrade our tech."

Michelangelo grinned, extending a hand. "I'm Mikey, by the way. Or Michelangelo, but everyone calls me Mikey."

"Nice to meet you, Mikey," you said, shaking his hand. "So, what's with the late-night patrol?"

Raphael folded his arms, his expression a mix of suspicion and respect. "We could ask you the same thing."

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