Rise! turtles x famous! singer! reader

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The New York City skyline sparkled under the light of the full moon, the rhythmic hum of the city alive even in the dead of night. Amidst the chaos and cacophony, the underground world beneath the city was teeming with a different kind of energy. Down in the sewers, the lair of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was buzzing with anticipation.

Tonight was a special night for the Turtles. Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo had managed to secure exclusive backstage passes to your sold-out concert at Madison Square Garden. You, Y/N L/N, were the latest sensation in the music world. Your powerful voice and magnetic stage presence had earned you millions of fans worldwide, but none as devoted as the four brothers in the sewer.

The concert was a resounding success. Your voice soared through the arena, leaving the audience spellbound. Little did you know, four very special fans were watching your every move from the shadows, their eyes wide with admiration and awe.

As the final notes of your encore faded into the night, the Turtles made their way to the backstage area. They were greeted by your manager, who had been briefed on their visit. With a knowing smile, he led them to your dressing room.

"She's expecting you," he said with a wink, opening the door to reveal you standing by the vanity, still glowing from the performance.

You turned around, a warm smile spreading across your face as you saw the four familiar faces peeking in. "Hey, guys! Come on in."

The Turtles shuffled in, their usual bravado momentarily replaced by nervous excitement. Michelangelo was the first to break the silence, his carefree attitude shining through. "Duuuude, that was totally rad! You were amazing out there, Y/N!"

You laughed, the sound like music to their ears. "Thanks, Mikey. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Leonardo, always the leader, stepped forward with a confident smile. "We wouldn't have missed it for the world. Your voice is incredible."

Donatello adjusted his glasses, his analytical mind already dissecting the concert's technical aspects. "The acoustics in that arena are top-notch, but it was your voice that truly brought the house down."

Raphael, ever the stoic, hung back slightly, his usual tough exterior softened by the genuine admiration in his eyes. "Yeah, you were great, Y/N."

You felt a blush creep up your cheeks at their compliments. These four had become special to you in ways you couldn't quite explain. They were more than just fans-they were friends, and maybe something more.

The night wore on with laughter and stories, the bond between you and the Turtles growing stronger with each passing moment. Eventually, the conversation turned to your life as a famous singer.

"Is it tough being in the spotlight all the time?" Leonardo asked, his blue eyes filled with genuine curiosity.

You sighed, a wistful smile playing on your lips. "It has its moments. I love performing and connecting with my fans, but sometimes it feels like I can't be myself. There's always someone watching, judging."

Michelangelo's brow furrowed in concern. "That's gnarly. But hey, you can always be yourself with us. We think you're awesome just the way you are."

His words brought a warmth to your heart. "Thanks, Mikey. That means a lot."

Donatello, always the inventor, had an idea. "You know, Y/N, if you ever need a break from the craziness, we could always set up a secret hideout for you down here. No one would think to look for a pop star in the sewers."

You laughed, the idea of a secret hideout both absurd and oddly appealing. "I'll keep that in mind, Donnie."

As the night grew late, you found yourself alone with Raphael. The others had drifted off, leaving you and the red-masked Turtle in a comfortable silence.

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