2007!Raph x opposite reader

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"Opposites Attract"

Raph had always been the rebellious, hot-headed member of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. His brothers often teased him for his temper and stubbornness, but deep down, they knew Raph was fiercely loyal and would do anything to protect them. However, they never expected Raph to find solace in someone so different from him—someone like you.

You were everything Raph was not: sweet, pacifistic, and openly affectionate. Where Raph charged into battles with reckless abandon, you preferred to resolve conflicts with words. Your gentle nature and warm heart stood in stark contrast to Raph’s tough exterior, and that intrigued him more than he cared to admit.

It all started one night when the turtles were on a routine patrol. Raph, ever the loner, had wandered off on his own. He found you in a narrow alley, trying to coax a stray cat down from a precarious ledge. The sight was almost comical: a small, delicate woman whispering sweet nothings to a hissing, scrappy feline.

“Need some help?” Raph asked, unable to suppress a smirk.

You turned, eyes wide with surprise, but you quickly recovered, smiling warmly. “That would be great, thank you.”

With a few deft movements, Raph had the cat safely in your arms. You cradled it gently, cooing softly. Raph watched, fascinated by your tenderness.

“Do you always go around saving stray cats?” he teased.

You laughed softly. “Only when they need saving. I can’t stand to see any creature in distress.”

Raph found himself drawn to your kindness, a warmth he rarely encountered. Over the next few weeks, you and Raph began to see more of each other. You often visited the turtles’ lair, bringing homemade cookies and sharing stories about your day. The other turtles adored you, but it was Raph who found himself most captivated.

Your relationship with Raph was unique. In public, you were the picture of innocence and compassion. You were always ready with a kind word or a comforting hug, and you seemed to genuinely care about everyone you met. Raph, on the other hand, was more reserved, his affection shown in gruff words and protective gestures.

However, in private, everything changed. When it was just the two of you, you were confident, playful, and incredibly affectionate. You loved to tease Raph, your hands always finding their way to his shoulders, his chest, or his face. You reveled in making him blush, which, despite his tough exterior, happened more often than he liked to admit.

One evening, after a particularly intense training session, you and Raph found yourselves alone in the lair. The other turtles had gone out, leaving the two of you in the dimly lit space. You sat beside Raph on the couch, your fingers tracing patterns on his arm.

“You were amazing today,” you said softly, your voice filled with admiration.

Raph shrugged, trying to downplay your praise. “Just doing my job.”

You leaned in closer, your breath warm against his ear. “You’re too modest, Raph. You’re incredible.”

Before he could respond, you pressed your lips to his, a kiss that started gentle but quickly grew more passionate. Raph responded eagerly, his arms wrapping around you, pulling you closer. He loved these moments with you, the way you melted into him, the way your touch ignited a fire inside him.

But just as things were heating up, you suddenly pulled away, a look of uncertainty in your eyes. You bit your lip, looking down at your hands.

“What’s wrong?” Raph asked, his voice filled with concern.

You hesitated, struggling to find the right words. “It’s just... I’m not like the others you’ve been with. I’m not strong or fierce. I’m just... me.”

Raph cupped your face in his hands, forcing you to meet his gaze. “Hey, don’t talk like that. You’re perfect the way you are. I love everything about you—your kindness, your strength, your heart. You make me want to be a better person.”

Tears welled in your eyes, but they were tears of happiness. You leaned into his touch, feeling the sincerity in his words. “Really?”

“Really,” he affirmed, his voice unwavering. “You’re beautiful, inside and out. Don’t ever doubt that.”

His words washed over you, filling you with a sense of peace and security. You knew Raph meant every word, and in that moment, all your insecurities melted away. You kissed him again, this time with renewed confidence and passion, knowing that you were loved exactly as you were.

As the night wore on, you and Raph talked about everything and nothing, sharing your hopes, dreams, and fears. You felt closer to him than ever before, grateful for his unwavering support and love. And as you fell asleep in his arms, you knew that no matter what the future held, you would always have each other.

The days turned into weeks, and your bond with Raph grew stronger. Your contrasting personalities complemented each other perfectly, creating a balance that made your relationship thrive. You taught Raph to embrace his softer side, while he encouraged you to stand up for yourself and be more assertive.

One afternoon, while the turtles were out on another mission, you and Raph decided to take a walk through the city. It was a rare opportunity to enjoy the world outside the lair, and you relished the chance to spend time together in the open air.

As you strolled through Central Park, hand in hand, you couldn’t help but notice the curious glances from passersby. You knew they were wondering about the odd couple—a tough, gruff mutant turtle and a sweet, gentle woman—but you didn’t care. You were proud to be with Raph, and nothing could change that.

You found a secluded spot by a small pond, and you sat down on a bench, leaning your head on Raph’s shoulder. The sun was setting, casting a golden glow over the water. It was a perfect moment, one that you wished could last forever.

“Raph, can I ask you something?” you said softly, breaking the comfortable silence.

“Anything,” he replied, his arm draped protectively around you.

“Do you ever worry about the future? About what will happen to us?” Your voice was tinged with uncertainty, the same insecurity that had surfaced before.

Raph turned to face you, his expression serious. “Of course, I do. But I also know that as long as we’re together, we can face anything. We’re stronger together, and nothing can change that.”

His words filled you with a sense of reassurance, and you smiled, feeling the weight of your worries lift. You knew Raph was right. Whatever challenges lay ahead, you would face them together, with love and determination.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, you and Raph shared another tender kiss, sealing your promise to each other. In that moment, you knew that no matter how different you were, your love was stronger than any obstacle. And as long as you had each other, nothing else mattered.

The night deepened, and the city lights began to twinkle in the distance. You and Raph walked back to the lair, hand in hand, ready to face whatever the future held. Because in the end, it wasn’t your differences that defined you—it was the love and understanding that bridged the gap between you, making you stronger and more united than ever before.

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