2012! Raph x ticklish opposite reader

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Raph groaned, running his hands through his bandana-covered head. Today had been a long day, filled with battles against the Kraang and training sessions that seemed never-ending. All he wanted now was a moment of peace, but that seemed elusive in the busy sewers of New York City. He swung his sai in the air, practicing a few moves in their underground lair to release some tension.

"Hey, Raph," came a familiar, soft voice from behind him. He turned to see you, the complete opposite of him in every way. You were sweet, always wore a smile, and never resorted to violence, even when the situation demanded it. It baffled him sometimes, how someone like you could exist in a world so chaotic.

"Hey, Y/N," he muttered, not wanting to show how her mere presence brightened his mood. "What's up?"

You approached him, a small frown on your usually cheerful face. It was unusual to see you like this, and Raph's brow furrowed in concern. "Nothing much," you replied, your voice lacking its usual luster. "Just having a bad day, I guess."

Raph wasn't one for words or comfort, but seeing you upset stirred something within him. He put his sai away and walked over to you. "What's wrong?"

You shook your head, trying to dismiss it. "It's silly, really. Just a bunch of little things piling up. You know how it is."

He did know how it was, and he knew how it felt to keep everything bottled up inside. Raph sighed, unsure of how to comfort you but wanting to try. "Wanna talk about it?"

You looked at him, surprised by his offer. Raph was known for his tough exterior, not his comforting abilities. But something in his eyes told you he genuinely wanted to help. "It's just... everything. Work, friends, family. It feels like I'm not enough, like I'm failing everyone."

Raph's heart ached at your words. He knew you were the kind of person who always put others before yourself, always tried to make everyone happy. "That's not true," he said firmly. "You're amazing, Y/N. Don't let anyone make you feel otherwise."

You gave a small, appreciative smile, but it didn't reach your eyes. Raph's mind raced, trying to think of what he could do to make you feel better. Then he remembered something you had mentioned in passing once, something about how you liked being tickled. It seemed silly, but if it could bring a smile to your face...

He hesitated for a moment, then reached out and gently poked your side. You jumped, a surprised laugh escaping your lips. Raph grinned, encouraged by your reaction. "Ticklish, huh?"

You nodded, a giggle escaping despite your best efforts to keep a straight face. "Yeah, but..."

"No buts," Raph interrupted, his grin widening. "If it makes you laugh, it's worth a shot."

Before you could protest, Raph started tickling you in earnest, his fingers moving quickly to find your most sensitive spots. You shrieked with laughter, squirming to get away, but he was relentless. The sound of your laughter filled the lair, a sweet melody that lightened the heavy atmosphere.

"Raph, stop!" you gasped between giggles, but he could see the sparkle returning to your eyes, the weight lifting from your shoulders. He didn't stop until you were both out of breath, collapsing onto the floor in a heap.

"Feel better?" he asked, panting slightly.

You nodded, still giggling. "Yeah, I do. Thanks, Raph."

He shrugged, trying to play it cool. "Anytime, Y/N. Just don't go telling the others I did this. I have a reputation to maintain, you know."

You laughed again, the sound like music to his ears. "Your secret's safe with me."

As you both lay there, catching your breath, Raph realized that maybe, just maybe, he was capable of being more than just the tough guy. Maybe he could be the one to bring a smile to your face, to chase away your bad days. And for now, that was enough.

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