future! Rise! father! Raph x child reader

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The future was not as bright as they had once hoped. The apocalypse had arrived, a catastrophic collision of dimensions and time that had left the world in ruins. Cities lay in tatters, the skyline punctuated by jagged remnants of skyscrapers. Once bustling streets were now silent, haunted by the ghosts of a world that once was. In the midst of this desolation, survivors clung to what little hope they had left.

Among these survivors was Raphael, a hulking, battle-worn turtle with red bandanas wrapped tightly around his biceps and a look of determination etched into his scarred face. He moved with the grace of a predator, every step purposeful, every glance calculated. In this bleak landscape, he had become a symbol of resilience and defiance against the chaos that had engulfed the planet.

Raph had been a leader, a protector, and a fighter for as long as he could remember. He and his brothers had faced countless threats, but this—this was different. The Krang invasion had decimated their world, leaving them with little more than their fighting spirit and a burning desire for vengeance.

Yet, amid the darkness, a glimmer of light persisted.


Raph had found you in the remnants of an old subway station. You were just a child, no more than six or seven, huddled in a corner with wide, frightened eyes. Your clothes were tattered, and your small frame shivered in the cold, damp air. Despite the fear that radiated from you, there was a spark in your eyes—a spark that reminded Raph of the innocence he and his brothers had once fought to protect.

“Hey, kid,” Raph had said, his voice gruff yet surprisingly gentle. “You lost?”

You had nodded, unable to find your voice, tears streaming down your dirty cheeks. Raph had crouched down to your level, his massive form making you feel even smaller.

“You got a name?”

You had sniffled and managed to whisper, “(Y/N).”

“Alright, (Y/N). I’m Raph. How about we get you somewhere safe, huh?”

From that moment on, Raph had taken you under his wing. In the weeks and months that followed, he became more than just a protector—he became your guardian, your mentor, and, in a way, your father.


The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the shattered landscape. Raph and you had found shelter in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of what was once New York City. It wasn’t much, but it was safe, and that was all that mattered.

“Dinner’s almost ready,” Raph called out, stirring a pot over a makeshift stove. The ingredients were scarce, but he had managed to scavenge enough to make a decent stew.

You sat nearby, doodling on a piece of scrap paper with a broken pencil. It was one of the few activities that brought you joy in this harsh new world.

“What’re you drawing?” Raph asked, glancing over.

You looked up and smiled, holding up your paper. It was a crude but heartfelt drawing of you and Raph, standing side by side, with big smiles on your faces.

Raph chuckled, a rare sound these days. “Not bad, kid. Not bad at all.”

He finished preparing the stew and ladled some into a bowl, handing it to you. You accepted it gratefully, the warmth spreading through your fingers as you held the bowl close.

“Thanks, Raph,” you said, your voice soft but sincere.

“Don’t mention it,” he replied, ruffling your hair affectionately. “Gotta keep you strong if we’re gonna make it through this mess.”

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