Chapter 51: Stepping Up, Growing Stronger

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"Ten Pound Blast Hammer!"

Rocky obliterated a boulder in the air crashing through the rock spikes protruded from the rocky mountain grounds.

"This is getting exciting!"

Rocky jumped up in the air and aimed at the towering rock spike.

"Gear Obliteration: Mach Punch!"

His fists gleamed in a bright, orange hue and began to steam out. He performed a waving pattern of motion with his limbs.

"Graaaahhhhhh!" He threw a barrage of rapid, continuous punches and kicks within a second, following the waving pattern of his body. His power also rose on every hit until the rock spike cracked.

"One more!" Rocky dashed back and forth, punched and kicked, destroying almost everything he passed by with his devastatingly powerful attacks.

"Don't... worry, Bulls... I'll see you... very... soon."


After five days of endless run, Rocky reached a village nearby the mountains. He opened his map and checked if where he is actually standing.

"This is it, I'm here at the Country of Punomesa."

Rocky stepped down the mountains and calmly walk through the town.

"But I need to make sure of that."

The town looks like a village of cowboys, rusty dust on the ground, dead bushes rolling passed the town, countless horse stables and a classical, wooden houses.

After a few strides, he found a local and asked her a few questions.

"Excuse me, miss, I'm a traveler from Fiouba and may I ask you a question?"

The woman nodded in response.

"Good, what is this place?" He calmly asked.

"This is the town of Bulbar, country of Punomesa."

"I knew it." Rocky thoughts.

"Oh, Great! Thank you very much." Rocky continued to walk, passing by the woman.

At the far distance, Rocky can sense tens of people. They suddenly went on a rush, as if they knew he just arrived. They entered the houses and hid their presence.

"Why? Is there something wrong?"


Rocky tilted his head to the right, dodging a bullet from behind him.

"Miss?" He turned around and looked at the woman that he asked earlier. A grin came out of Rocky's face as he stared at the woman "You tricky woman. Feisty."

"How'd you... dodged my bullet?!" She exclaimed.

"Because I'm awesome." Rocky chuckled.

"You... you won't be able to dodge the next bullet." She aimed his gun at Rocky who was walking back to her.

"You know..." Rocky started.

The woman pulled the trigger and shot him once again.

Rocky pulled his shoulder backwards, dodging another bullet.

"...I'm thinking of forming a team..."

"Tsk! No! I never missed my shot! How are you doing that?!" She frustratedly exclaimed.

"A team that will crush my former friend."

"Shut up!" The woman held the gun with both of her hands and seriously aimed at Rocky. "Die already!" She continuously pulled the trigger, assuring at every shot that she will get him. However, all of them are being dodged by his target.

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