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"Daddy, I want to go here!" Sapphire held a flyer.

Taylor looks at the flyer. "A country fair."


Taylor smiled. "Alright, we can go, but you better wake up early."

Sapphire squealed and jumped around.

Taylor dried his hands and went to find Sophia. She was in their bathroom, giving Talon and Jupiter a bath. Talon sat in the tub playing with bath toys. Jupiter lay in a baby bathtub, kicking his legs and splashing water. Sophia was wiping him down with a blue bath towel.

Taylor stepped in and sat on the stool, which was wet. He didn't care and looked at the kids. Sapphire enters wearing a bathing suit.

"I'm coming in," she got into the tub with Talon and filled a water gun with water. She sprays Talon. Talon sprayed her with a rubber ducky.

Sophia picked up Jupiter and, wrapped him up like a burrito and handed him over to him. Taylor barely holds Jupiter; he's always with Sophia. He suckles his thumb and blinks his big green eyes at him.

He took him to the nursery to get him dressed. He set Jupiter on the changing table and dried his body. "Even if you're not my son, I'll still love and protect you."

Jupiter stretched out, and the tattoo on his left hip stretched; Taylor traced it. The poor guy, it was painful. Taylor thought it would've been bumpy, but it's smooth.

"Your mother didn't brand you because she wanted too; she wants to protect you from your real father. No, I'm not saying Zeus isn't a nice guy, but your siblings want to get rid of you, except for your older sister Beatriz."

Jupiter smiles and squeals.

"So you do understand, then don't hate your biological parents. Your mother lost one daughter, and your father was at fault. And you're a boy. Your father would probably put you on the throne, which would be bad. You'll be a target from the rest of your male siblings. So you're safer here with us."

Jupiter made baby noises; he was pleased.

"All done," Sophia carried Talon. "Sapphire is still bathing. I'll make sure she scrubs behind the ears."

Taylor lay Jupiter in his crib and gave him a bottle. He took care of Talon while Sophia went and helped Sapphire shower. Talon dozed off the moment his head hit the pillow. He did play all day with Bobby's kids.

Sapphire was in bed after Sophia dried her hair and braided it. She wore a bonnet and a matching nightgown. Sophia bought her a lot of clothes recently. They spend a lot of time together, too. It's good that they are bonding.

Jupiter fuss. "Finish?" Taylor picked him up and burped him. He threw up a little milk. "Better?" He yawned. "Yeah."

Sophia came back. "Sapphire is asleep." She took Jupiter and kissed his cheek. "Goodnight." She went to Talon and kissed his cheek.

Taylor turns on the nightlight, which shows the starry sky on the ceiling. He left the door open and followed Sophia to the bedroom. He enters the walk-in closet to get his pajamas.

"How's your mother?" Sophia asked.

"Fine," Taylor stepped out, holding the clothes. "I have never seen my mother so happy. I will probably have another sibling."

Sophia chuckled. "That won't be so bad. But  I am losing track of all the little ones. I am glad Luna and Demitri will wait until they are married to have children. She's a responsible woman."

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