19) Apple Orchid

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Dianthe peeked into the garage; she could hear the loud clicking of the keyboard. It doesn't irritate her.

It's strange having three men in her house. Darin, who was a childhood friend. Taylor, his sister's boyfriend, and Remy, the genius. Her son doesn't count.

She went back to the kitchen to prepare dinner. It feels nice cooking for more than two people. It was always her and Kenneth.

"Mom!" Kenneth enter. "You won't believe it; Taylor can summon fire from hell. And it doesn't spread; demons are so cool."

"Good, wash up for dinner, ravioli," she smiled.

"Yes!" Kenneth went upstairs.

"Hey," Taylor entered with Darin. "I talk to the Mayor; I'll be in charge of the town until we finish the investigation. Until then, I'm the Mayor, temporarily. As for the Mayor, he's going on a paid vacation with his family; he accepted the offer; the guy needed a break; he's one shy away from a heart attack."

Dianthe shudder. "Poor guy, these companies are putting much pressure on him."

She opened the oven and took out the garlic bread with melted cheese and a few bread slices with spicy pepperoni. She placed the bread in the bread basket but set two, one of each, on a small plate.

Dianthe grabbed the plates and severed everyone the ravioli. She set a plate to the side and moved the rest to the table. She made a lot for their serving.

"My favorite," Kenneth sat in his usual chair next to her. Once everyone settled to eat, she took the extra plates, set them on the tray, and added a tall glass of homemade kiwi and strawberry lemonade.

She peeked into the garage, Remy under the table fiddling with some wires. She clears her throat to let him know of her presence. He hit his head at the bottom of the table.

"Sorry," she stepped down the single step and set the tray at the empty spot, careful not to move or dirty anything. "I brought you dinner." He stood adjusting his glasses and looked awkward. "I hope you like it."

"Thanks," Remy looked so uncomfortable.

"I'll go now," she took the tray and returned to the kitchen. She set the tray on the counter and joined the others for dinner.

"I need access to your emails," Taylor said. "Well, Remy does, don't worry, he won't snoop around. He only needs to get the emails that the scammers sent you."

"Sure, my laptop will do?"

"Yes," Taylor smiled. "Give it to him later."

The conversation during dinner was about Taylor's family and his problems. The war that took place was real. Most people think it was fake, but it was real. To think her sister was in the middle of it.

"Mama, I want more," Kenneth had sauce on his nose. She wiped his nose with the cloth napkin and stood to serve him. "Taylor, are you going to kill my father?"

"Kenneth," Dianthe grimace.

"Yes," Taylor said. "And we won't talk about it anymore."

Dianthe is grateful for Taylor to switch the conversation. She enjoys the rest of the dinner. Taylor shows them pictures of his daughter and Talon. In a few photos, Talon is a black blob, and in the others, a human baby—a beautiful baby with black hair and lapis eyes. In the picture, Talon is clinging to Sophia.

Her sister isn't wearing any camouflage. Sophia is as beautiful as ever.

"Mommy dessert?" Kenneth smiled.

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