21) Safe

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Sophia hid in the Summer Kingdom, which is warmer, and Talon loved it. He was splashing water in the river. They can't stay long; she must go to the beach.

"A bit more, and we have to go," she looked around. It's warm, but the water is cold, which floats down from the Winter Kingdom.

Talon splashed water, giggling.

Sophia cut a seedless mango and fed Talon. She didn't care much about feeling herself. She wants her son to survive until someone finds them.

Once the sun had set, they continued their way. She arrives at the beach and finds the cave she hid in the last time she ran away. She entered and saw her old clothes. It's a good thing no one found this place.

She set Talon down and opened the bag. She grabbed an old shirt and placed it on Talon. "Sorry, buddy, this will do for now."

Talon blew spit bubbles and crawled around.

"We are staying here for a few days," Sophia smiled.

Talon settled down and yawned.

Sophia draped the blanket she brought, and he lay on it. She sat near the entrance and looked out at the ocean. When did her family become so screwed up? She can't imagine what Dianthe went through; why didn't she say anything?

She rests her cheek against her knee. She's so exhausted, but she can't sleep. She needs to keep watch over her baby.

"You can sleep."

That jolted her awake. "Who said that?"


Sophia looked at the misty figure with leaves and dirt swirling around her. Sophia scooters away.

"I won't hurt you," she said; Sophia could see glowing white eyes. "I'm Mother Nature, sleep. I assure you, you'll be safe."

Sophia grimace.

"I swear I'm Mother Nature; I kill anyone who impersonates me," she said. "Luther is on his way. He will take you home."

Vines drape down, creating a blockage.

"It'll keep the tide from flooding the cave," she said.

Sophia will trust her. She crawled over to her baby and lay down next to him.

"I have an uneasy feeling. Is someone going to die? Someone I know?"

"Perhaps," she was in the cave; Sophia could sense her moving around. "Will you do me a favor?"

"Hmm? Depends?"

"Carry my child," she said. "I am pregnant. Zeus doesn't know about it, but I lost one daughter because of neglect. I want my child to survive. I need a womb, and yours is perfect. Please?"

Sophia frowned. "Why?"

"I trust demons more than I trust God's. Besides, I'm having a boy; Zeus has always wanted a boy. I can't put him in harm's way. Most of Zeus' children are fighting for the throne, not that Zeus will give it up anytime soon; he's been waiting for me to give him a son. I can't let his older brothers kill him off before he could take a chance to breathe his first breath and have a childhood."

Sophia sighed. "How far are you?"

"Seven months."

"I'll be giving birth soon," Sophia let out an exasperating sigh. "Fine, I'll do it. Sorry, I didn't mean to sound angry; I'm worried about what Zeus will do to me when he finds out I have your child. From my understanding, we are on good terms."

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