22) Home Again

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Sophia woke up to a big belly, and Talon hugged her belly. She felt the baby kicking.

She sat up and gasped. "Luther?"

"Wow," he glanced at her belly. "Should my son be worried? I know he hasn't touched you since giving birth to Talon."

"I didn't ask if I could tell anyone," Sophia stood, and Talon crawled up Luther. "Can we go home? I'm exhausted, hungry, dirty, and itchy. Oh, and I'm pregnant. So, please? Also, Talon has a rash."

Luther chuckles. "Let's go."

He grabbed her hand to steady her and teleported them from the island and back home to the apartment. Talon tried to zoom away, but Luther caught him.

"No, first bath time and food."

The door to the apartment opens, and Bobby enters. "Oh, my God! I knew Taylor couldn't keep his hand off you."

Sophia presses her lips into a thin line. "I need a bath, so does Talon help?"

"I'll go tell Taylor," Luther handed Talon to Bobby.

Sophia spends an hour taking a bath. Bobby gave Talon one and put ointment on his rash. Talon didn't waste time finding Bobby's daughter and the cuddle in the nest above the crib.

Sophia lay on the bed, getting her feet massaged by Bobby. Taylor arrived, and he cursed.

"Fuc,k I'll kill whoever got you pregnant," Taylor groaned.

"I still don't know if I can tell you," Sophia bit into the burger. "But the baby isn't mine; I'm only carrying him. We are going to raise him as our own."

"Oh?" Taylor frowned. "I still don't like it."

Sophia shrugged and stuffed some fries in her mouth. She's so hungry. "The Winter King is dead."

"We know," Taylor sat on the bed and rubbed her belly. "The Queen secured the kingdom, a few dead, including the King. But other than that, nothing was taken. They wanted you and Talon."

Sophia sipped on the chocolate milkshake.

"Oh right, I brought someone that wants to see you," Taylor stood. "Come in."

Sophia frowned. "Why did you bring Dianthe? Are you crazy?"

Dianthe sighed. "I wanted to see you; come on, don't be mean. I brought Kenneth."

Sophia huff. "I'll let it slide this time. Before you ask, not my baby."

"Okay," Dinathe smiled.

"Baby brother!!!" Sapphire yelled from the nursery room. There was a struggle and a thud and Talon crying. Sapphire enters the room with Talon in her arms. "Talon, you can't have a girlfriend, your baby."

Taylor groaned. "Sapphire, let your brother go. Did you destroy the nest?"

Sapphire smiled. "I didn't mean too; I'm sorry." Talon smacks Sapphire, scratching her cheek. "Ow, hey, that wasn't nice." Her eyes went misty.

"Sapphire!" Taylor yelled.

Sapphire drops Talon, and her eyes return to normal. "Oh." She tears up.

Taylor picked her up. "Sapphire, you can't get mad like that; you could've hurt Talon."

Talon crawled onto the bed and nuzzled her chest. Sophia patted his back. "It's alright; your sister was excited to see you."

The nest went up, and Talon slept beside Bobby's daughter—both passed out. Talon did heal Sapphire's cheek by licking the wound. Sapphire had fallen asleep after crying for hours.

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