27) Unusual Symptoms

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"Oh, you did this?"

"Yes, Remy showed me how to use the drill. I help put up that wall." Kenneth had sawdust and dirt all over him.

"Well, you can help tomorrow; go wash up for dinner." Kenneth set the drill down and climbed the stairs. She turns to Remy. "I'm glad you're bonding with Kenneth. He seems to like you."

Remy pulled her in for a kiss. "I'm enjoying my time with Kenneth. He's a smart kid; he told me he's homeschooling."

"Yeah," she sighed. "Kenneth probably told you he wants to go to school, huh?"

"Yes, and I think you should let him. After we deal with your situation, it'll be good for him to become social."

"He isn't social. I have tried to make him go outside and play with the neighbor's kids. But he likes to be by himself. Aside from Sapphire, he hasn't interacted with any of the children. It worries me."

"Maybe he thinks he needs to hide. Hopefully, once he doesn't need to hide, he'll become more lively."

Dianthe kissed him again. "Come on, dinner is ready. I made shrimp cocktails, stuffed crab, cooked oysters with cheese and mayonnaise, raw salmon, and fish. I also cooked some baked stuffed potatoes."

"Seafood buffet," he smiled. "I'll be up."

She went first; Kenneth was already seated with a plate. Remy came up the stairs and washed his hands. He had shaken off all the dust and sawdust in the basement.

The three saw down for dinner; Darin wasn't around; there was an emergency with his house. There was a problem with the boarding school: unwanted visitors harassing the students.

Of course, they send someone else; he hides in the shadows. Dianthe has tried to make the guy come inside the house, but he refuses. She leaves him food outside in a basket, and she always finds it empty with the plates clean. She left him dinner again.

She heard footsteps on the porch and smiled.

"If he shy like you?" She asked.

"I don't think so," Remy said. "I think he's a ghoul. Ghouls are more in the shadows. And are anti-social. They used to eat people. Blood drives them crazy. So I guess it's why they stay hidden."

"Oh," she bit into the salmon. "Well, I'll keep feeding him."

Kenneth fought with the oyster. He was trying to fork the meat out, and it fling landed on the salmon. "Whoops."

Dianthe grabbed the meat and fed it to Kenneth. Kenneth smiled and wiped his mouth. This time, she helped him.

As she was eating stuffed crab, she felt a slight dizziness. She grips the table.

"What's wrong?" Remy moves her hair away from her face.

"A dizzy spell, I'm fine now." She drank water and took slow breaths. "I'm better now, don't worry. Maybe it's the stress finally catching up to me."

Remy kissed her hand.

Dinner ended with vanilla ice cream. She did leave some for the ghoul. She later found the empty basket and clean utensils.

During her bath, she felt that dizziness again. And she felt nausea. It's not a pleasant feeling, and she threw up in the tub and bled out. It wasn't that time of the month, so she wasn't sure why she was bleeding. Remy enters and looks at her.

"I smell the blood," he strode over and helped her finish showering and cleaning up.

She later lay in bed with awful cramps and a fever.

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