1) Second Family

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Taylor pulls into the apartment complex parking lot. It took two days; they would've gotten here without Sapphire's constant need to stop at every resting stop to take pictures with her pink Polaroid camera. He couldn't say no to her.

"Are we finally meeting Aunty Isla?" Sapphire got out and grabbed her backpack.

"Yes," Taylor opened the truck bed and grabbed their belongings. Sophia stretched, and he got a glimpse of her flat stomach. She had a belly piercing.

"I could use a warm bath," she smiled.

Taylor closes the truck bed and leads them to the elevator. They rode it up to the top floor; this building is only five floors. The apartments are significant, with five on each floor, each with full appliances.

His father did a great job at remodeling this building. It's luxury, and no more crackheads. He leads them to the last two apartments by the fire exit. He knocked on apartment E4; a light-up green Christmas wreath with faux snow hung on the door, with lights framing the doorframe and two four-foot Christmas trees on the side of the doorway. He forgets how much Bobby and Greg love Christmas.

The door opens, and a man comes out. Taylor hasn't seen Greg in so long. He looks the same aside from the lip piercings, and his once blonde hair is now a green color; that's probably Bobby's idea; they go all out for Christmas. Greg smiled, his light blue eyes glinting with excitement. "Taylor!" Greg pulls him into a hug. "Good god, you're so tall. Wait, am I even allowed to say, God, with what happened, I'm worried I'll offend them."

Taylor chuckled. "You're fine. I assure you the gods have more serious things to worry about than a spider using their holy name."

Greg let out a belly laugh. "Right, come in, boy, and who are these two beautiful ladies?" Greg helped them with their suitcases.

"My daughter Sapphire and a friend, Sophia," Taylor stepped into the apartment; it's all decked out for Christmas. He could see three Christmas trees in the kitchen by the dining table, a second outside the balcony door, and the main Christmas tree in the living room. All three Christmas trees have a color scheme. The one by the dining room is silver amd pink, the balcony one is purple with gold, and the primary one is red with gold and silver. "I see you haven't changed, still decked out for Christmas."

"Of course," Bobby came from the hallway. "Taylor." She looked as beautiful as ever; her dark blonde hair was dyed green like Greg's, but she had tinsels in her hair. "Let me look at you." Her stormy gray eyes rake his nose from head to toe. "You're the same, but taller. But there's a darkness inside of you." She cups his cheeks. Bobby is like a second mother. Aside from his mother and Senna, Bobby is his second mother. "We can talk about it whenever you are ready."

Taylor likes her honesty.

"And did I hear you have a daughter?" Bobby looked at Sapphire, who was snapping pictures of the apartment and Christmas trees.

"Sapphire, come here," Sapphire stood beside him. He squeezed her shoulder. "Sapphire, this is Bobby and Greg; they are our second family."

Sapphire smiled, showing dimples. "Hi, I'm Sapphire Bloom McAllister. It's a pleasure to meet you; what may I call you?"

"Goodness, such mannerisms," Bobby bends to Sapphire's level. "Nice to meet you; you may call me whatever you feel is right."

"Aunty," she smiled. "And Uncle."

"Sounds good," Bobby stood and glanced at Sophia. "Oh, a fairy."

Sophia tensed and hid behind him. She presses herself against his back. Taylor could feel the roundness of her breasts. He bets they fit perfectly in his hands. They are probably soft, and he wants to give them a good licking.

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