15) Sapphire

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Clyde held Sapphire's hand as they walked around the compound. She had woken up, completely healed. It seems she got tired of playing the victim.

She had already hurt two people who tried to stick her with needles to get her blood. And now Sapphire is walking around as if nothing happened. The magic chains didn't work on her; she snapped them off, and the magic ropes didn't work either. She's immune.

Sapphire stopped by the market, grabbed an apple, took a bite, and started to walk away, but the man behind the stall didn't let her. He blocked her path, frowning down at her.

"Demon, you can't take things without paying," the man glared.

Clyde stepped between; he noticed whenever Sapphire gets angry, her eyes become a misty red color, blocking her beautiful lapis eyes.

"Don't provoke her; our leader said the child can have anything she wants," Clyde said. "If you don't believe me, ask him."

The man spat on the ground. "I don't want a demon near my stall. Get the fuck away!"

Sapphire continued to eat the apple and grabbed another apple; she licked it and placed it back, all while staring at the man. The kid is taunting him.

"You little bitch!"

Clyde didn't even have to stop the man; he dropped off his knee, and Sapphire stepped up to him. "I'm not a full demon; I'm also a wolf. I haven't shifted yet; I will someday." She hugged the man and kissed his cheek. "It's okay; your leader has corrupted you. But it'll be over soon; you'll go to hell and never return." She stepped back, grabbed a few apples, and walked away.

Clyde followed her, and the man was able to stand. He didn't even say anything and returned to work with shaky hands.

"I'm not even going to ask," Clyde said.

Sapphire smiled and finished the apples and threw the cords of the apples on the floor, and they disappeared beneath the ground. He didn't ask.

They continued to explore the compound until three women approached them. He had seen them before; these three were always with the leader. And they are witches.

Sapphire looks up. "Great-grandma Savannah will love to know rogue witches work with bad people. Are you here to take me?"

"We must examine you. You will come willingly. These ropes are different. They'll hurt you if you don't come."

"Try me," Sapphire challenged them.

Clyde stepped away, and the ropes wrapped around Sapphire. They did nothing, and the ropes unwrapped and fell to the ground.

"How?" One of the witches glared.

"It's because she's Savannah's grandchild," the second witch said. "Great, tribrid, those are rare."

"No rare," Sapphire smiled. "My aunt Luna, my siblings, and my family are full of them. We are mighty, but I'm not powerful. Trust me, there is someone worse than me, and it's not Sunny. It would be best if you hide as best you can; she's someone you don't want to encounter, the real Great Witch; she can take your power and make you human. She and her siblings are asleep, but they'll wake up soon. And they are deadlier than the kids." Sapphire shiver. "A great war is coming; you should pick a side quickly. Then again, don't; you'll die either way."

Sapphire walked past them and continued her way. Clyde follows her. The witches were left stunned. Heck, he is, too.

"What do you mean?" Clyde asked. "Isn't your grandmother the Great Witch?"

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