4) Tigers

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Isla looked at Sophia; she looked exhausted and had a bite mark on her neck. She wanted to ask what relationship she had with Taylor. But it didn't seem right; she learned about Taylor being her brother. It sounds so imprudent to ask about his relationships. Look at her; she's acting like an overprotective little sister wanting to approve of Taylor's girlfriends.

She shook her head and stocked the shelves with more books. She loves the smell of new books.

"Isla, your friends are here," Zen said. "Remember what we talked about this morning? It's the only way to keep that creep away and learn what they want from you." He rubbed his nose against her neck and stuck his long tongue out. His tongue swirls around her ear, making her shudder.

"Yes," she leaned against his affection. She glances up at him. Biting her lip, she wet her lips, and his tongue swiped against her lip. She opens her mouth, and his tongue dives right in. He pulled his tongue out when Sophia gasped.

"Your brother isn't going to be happy you're letting a stranger stick their tongue down your throat," Sophia smiled. "But who am I to judge when your brother can't keep his hand to himself? Demons—they are all the same." She shrugged and walked away.

Isla bit her bottom lip; Zen gripped her chin and gave her a full kiss, tongue and all. Isla couldn't help but kiss him back. He pulls away, swiping his tongue along her bottom lip.

Smiling, she set the books down and went to meet her friends. "Oh?" Her friends and her brother were having a glaring contest.

"Carlton, Rick, Bailey?" She walked to them. "Why are you glaring at my brother?"

"It's true?" Bailey blinked away from Taylor. "This demon is your brother? How? When? Did you keep him a secret because he's a demon?"

Isla turned to Taylor, who shrugged.

"We met your friends late at night sneaking around trying to break into the bookstore. I told them to leave and then told me they were going to kick the demons out of their city, and I quote, 'their city,' these three are idiots."

Isla groaned.

"Demons aren't welcome here," Carlton said. "Have you not heard how troublesome they are?"

Isla rubs her head. "Um, Carlton, this is Taylor McAllister, son of Luther McAllister, Mayor of this city. Taylor's father is the one who bought the city and fixed it up because Taylor asked him too. He did it for me and my mother."

"What?" Carlton frowned. "It's a demon."

"A complicated bloodline," Isla said.

Bailey took her hand. "Holy shit, you are married, Isla; we were only gone for a month; when did this happen?"

"A week ago," Isla lied. "Zen is my soulmate; sorry it all happened so fast."

Zen leaned against the counter, eating a peach.

"Also, you three need to stop saying this city belongs to you," Isla sighed. "You're going to end up pissing someone off."

"Like me," Taylor said.

"Daddy!!!!!" Sapphire bolted out of the back room. "It bit me!!"

Sapphire was gushing blood out of her left hand.

Isla gasped and quickly grabbed napkins from the counter and pressed them against the wound. "This is a lot of blood; what animal bit you?"

"A snake," Sapphire huffed. She didn't look panicked. "It snuck in through the doggy door. I heard footsteps, and then the snake was there."

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