18) Winter King

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Sophia glared at the Winter King. She's going to enjoy watching Taylor rip his throat out. She's glad Talon wasn't with her.

"My boyfriend will cut you down," she glared.

"Where is your sister?"

"I don't know," she sat on the chair with a plate of food. "I know you went through my mind while I was unconscious; you didn't find anything, huh?"

The Winter King smiled. "You will tell them where your sister is, or I'll go after your son and boyfriend. A demon? Really?"

Sophia leans back. "Bigger dick," she drank some wine. "Too bad you can't have me anymore. I always wonder why my sister. She has no special powers, but I finally found out why. Why were you hesitant to have me, even though I'm the future Queen? My sister told me." She grabbed the knife and fork and stabbed the steak. "At the age of fifteen, my parents brought my sister to you, drugged. You took advantage of her; this went on for years until she finally broke free of whatever drugs my parents gave her. I never understood why, but I know the truth. But there was another reason my sister ran away and why you are so desperately looking for her. During the years of raping her, she became pregnant and gave birth to my nephew. She's been gone for ten years now; my nephew is ten. I met him; he hates his father."

"You will tell me where she is, or else."

"Go ahead," Sophia smiled. "Try and take my son or kill Taylor. It won't end well for you." She stood. "Thanks for the food, where will I sleep?"

He snaps his fingers. "Take Princess Sophia to one of the guest bedrooms. And don't try to escape. You won't get far."

"Don't worry; I wasn't planning on it. I'll wait; I'm the damsel in distress waiting for my prince charming to rescue me."

She follows the two guards and the maid upstairs to the guest bedroom. Once inside, she licked everyone out and stepped out to the balcony. She won't run.

Sophia can't believe those bastards got the drop on her. She didn't even sense them in the apartment. Her baby must be fussy, wanting milk. Her breasts are starting to ache. She looks at the kingdom of winter. How could this beautiful place fall into the hands of someone so corrupt?

She went back inside and stripped down to take a bath. She needs to keep calm and let Taylor find her. But it'll be difficult; Taylor can't enter without permission.

Sighing, she sat in the tub, taking a bath, rubbing her breasts. They ache, and she's dripping milk. Her baby still needs her.

She leans back against the tub. There was a splash, and something attached itself to her nipple and suckled. She gasped and sat up straight. "No." She looks down. "Oh, Talon, why are you here? How did you even get through the barrier?"

Talon suckles and his painless claws dug into the skin around her other breast. He shivers and whimpers.

Sophia held him close and stood. "You're freezing; this isn't a place for you. Sweetie, you need to let go for a moment." He gave a final suckle before moving his head back and looking at her. "My handsome boy, won't your little friend be sad you left?"

He shivers.

"Let's get you out of those clothes," Sophia removed the onesie and hung it to dry by the fireplace. She fried him off and wrapped him in a thick fur blanket. "Better?"

Talon blinked and sneezed.

She quickly dried her body and grabbed a nightgown from the wardrobe. She then picked up Talon and sat on the chair by the fireplace. Talon looked a little pale, and his rosy cheeks looked too rosy.

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