25) Picnic

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"I can't believe that the bastard almost took you," Sophia placed baby carrots in a medium container. They are packing for a picnic, something to ease their worries.

"Well, it didn't happen," Dianthe smiled. "I was brave enough to defend myself." Dianthe packed the shrimp alfredo and bread sticks.

"You look happy," Sophia smiled.

Dianthe blushed. "I haven't felt this way in so long. It feels like I'm getting my chance in love. Remy is a good man; during sex, he always stops to check on me."

"How is Kenneth taking it?"

"He accepted Remy; he's even helping Remy with the basement. I think he needed a father figure."

Sophia smiled. "I'm glad."

"Aunty, Talon doesn't want to come down from the ceiling. I need to put his shoes on." Kenneth held the shoes and looked up at the ceiling. Talon hasn't crawled on the ceiling for a while. He must not want the shoes.

"Talon, come down; if you don't put your shoes on, you'll stay home. No gelatin." She held a cup of vanilla gelatin. Talon quickly climbed down the kitchen wall and sat on the floor. Kenneth knelt and put the shoes on Talon.

Once she and Dianthe packed the baskets for the picnic, she dressed Jupiter and strapped him in the stroller. He slept soundly.

They left for the park; it was busy. Many families were out having a lovely Sunday picnic.

Sapphire and Kenneth went to play by the playground. Talon only wanted to try and eat the grass. It's the first time he's been outside like this. He was dirty within seconds. He even picks a fight with the ants and a bee.

He crawls around, following a butterfly. Jupiter still slept. He's going to age like a normal human baby.

"Alright," Taylor sat on the blanket and grabbed the bottle of wine. "Let's enjoy this beautiful day."

Remy looked a little uncomfortable. He's worried about the single woman getting pure by his eyes. He's wearing special glasses, but even with the glasses, women still become attracted physically. But it seems no one has noticed.

"Is it possible that because you have a soulmate, the magic in your eyes has stopped working?" Sophia asked. "I can tell that two women over there are single mothers, humans. But they aren't even looking your way. They might find you attractive. I mean, you're handsome. But I don't think your eyes are working."

Remy groaned.

"We can test it another day," Taylor said and passed on the wine glasses.

Sophia checked and took out the platter with cream cheese, crackers, pepperoni, fruits, and a little chocolate.

Talon crawled over and tried to get his dirty hands into the platter. Sophia took out a baby wipe and cleaned his hands and face. He fussed and shook his head. "Done here, have a cracker." She used a butter knife to spread the cream cheese and fed Talon. He wrinkles his nose. But he enjoyed it. Sophia won't have his kids being picky eaters. They'll eat whatever she or anyone else serves them.

"I want water, please," Sapphire dusted her hands off before grabbing an orange slice.

"Here and take one to Kenneth." Taylor gave her two cold water bottles from the cooler.

Sapphire ran off.

Sophia called them an hour later to eat. She had reusable plates.

"It's good, mama." Sophia froze at Sapphire's words. "What? You're my mommy, too."

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