14) Little Demon

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"Yes, she dropped on me," said young Viktor, as Taylor's mother calls him. "She screamed since I was in demon form and passed out."

"Where is she?" Taylor growled.

"I placed her inside one of the nicer prisons," he said.

"I have a feeling our Sapphire sent her," Senna said. "And I'll talk to her."

Taylor groaned. "Fine."

He opens the portal. "I'll go visit Bobby."

He went through and arrived at Bobby's to find a mess of webs. Bobby sat on the chair while Greg chased after the kids.

"Well, you're all set for Halloween," he was careful not to mess up the webbing. He sat on the couch and winced, reaching under to pull a squeaky bear toy. "Isn't this a dog toy? You don't have a dog."

"The kids seem to love it," Bobby said. "They stole it from the neighbor's dog; they made a hole through the wall. I went out and bought a lot of them. So far, so good; I fixed the holes with magic, and I added collars on the kids. It'll tell me when they leave the apartment. They are a handful."

Greg sat down and sighed. "There in the kitchen."

Taylor could hear them. He held the bear and squeezed it. Squeak. Squeak. Squeak. He looked up and saw the webbing moving. The four babies swing down and crawl all over him.

"You four are being troublesome," he sighed. "You need to behave; no sneaking out or drilling holes. Stay in the apartment and no stealing. Do you want a spanking?"

The four made whimpering sounds and looked at their parents.

"You better listen to Taylor," Bobby said.

The fours sighed back and sat there with tears in their eyes. Taylor smiled. "Behave." The four nuzzle him and whimper. Taylor kissed their little heads. "Go to your mother."

The four crawl over to Bobby and snuggle her.

"Thank Taylor," Bobby smiled.

Taylor nodded.

"So, are you going to see Sophia?"

"Not until she calls me," he smiled.

"Okay," Bobby looked down at her babies. "I think they fell asleep, Greg."

"Yeah," Greg stood and took two of the babies and carried them to the nursery room. Bobby follows him.

He felt his phone vibrating. He took it out of his back pocket. "Hello?"

"Ah! I want Taylor here now!"

He heard Sophia's screams.

"Get here now!" Savannah yelled.

Taylor stood; Bobby and Greg were coming back. "I have to go; I think Sophia is in labor."

"Well shit, go!" Bobby said. "Call us when the baby is born!"

Taylor teleported to Sophia just by saying her name. He was there, and it was chaos; he had to dodge flying books and other objects.

"What the hell?" He looks at Sophia.

"Your baby doesn't want to come out," Savannah sat in front of Sophia's open legs. "Maybe with you where they'll come out."

Taylor avoided the objects and went to Sophia's side. He grabbed her hand and placed his other hand over her belly. He didn't like the black spider-like symbol on her belly.

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