24) Almost Taken

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"Oh, look at your little toes," Isla changed Jupiter.

She's a bit sore from giving birth. Staying in bed is the best thing she can do.

Talon jumped on the bed and licked Jupiter's cheek. He spat and hissed. It's safe to know Talon knows Jupiter isn't his brother. Still, it seems Talon also realizes he needs to be an excellent big brother.

"I think Jupiter wants a hug, Talon," Isla said.

Talon huffed and hugged Jupiter.

Her boys are going to be sweet and sour.

Taylor enters and sends Isla out with the kids. It must be a serious conversation. She sat up and lowered the cup of pudding. "What?"

"Your sister and Remy, the incubus, are having sex," Taylor said. "I didn't think your sister had it in her."

"Oh," Sophia continues to eat the chocolate pudding. "He seduced her?"

"She's immune," Taylor said. "We did a few test runs, and I think they are soulmates. I recommended condoms. They were doing it raw."

"Bah! Don't say that, mental image!" Sophia shudder. "Well, my sister is grown; I doubt she will get pregnant, right?"

"I don't know; I had Remy ejaculate in a cup. My grandmother will test it for live sperm. But with demons' evolution, anything is possible. Look, Remy has agreed to take responsibility, and your sister looks happy,"

Sophia smiled. "Well, if Dianthe is happy, I'll support it, but she needs to tell Kenneth."

Taylor kissed her, licking the chocolate off her lips. "Damn to think I'll have to wait to have sex."

Sophia shrugged. "Too bad."

He kisses her head. "Anyways, we'll need a bigger home. As much as I don't want to live in this apartment, we have two wild boys and Sapphire. It'll be in this town, of course."

"What about Talon and Bobby's daughter?" Sophia set the pudding down. "Talon isn't going to like it."

"He can visit," Taylor stood. "We'll stay for a few years, then we'll move. That's how long it'll take to build our enormous house for three and many wild children."

"Alright, but I was a big sunroom, an indoor pool, and a patio and balconies in each bedroom, and each bedroom needs to have walk-in closets and bathrooms. I don't want the kids fighting over who gets to use the bathroom."

"Well, why don't we draw up blueprints."

"Sounds good," Sophia said. "Let's do that after the kids are down for a nap."

Talon crawls in butt naked. Isla entered and glared. "You can't hide from me." Talon tried to crawl under the bed, and Isla grabbed him. "Come on, bath time; your mother has to rest," Talon whined and went limp in Isla's arms.

"Oh no," Taylor groaned. "Did you learn that from Sapphire? Sapphire did that when she didn't want to do something. She learned it from my sister Luna."

Isla tickled him, and he couldn't stay limp. He giggles. "Come on." Talon surrender.

January went by, and it was a little overwhelming; those threatening her family weren't showing. It's strange and has everyone on edge.

"Who's the cutest baby?" Sophia sat on the floor with Jupiter, who giggled and kicked his legs from laughter.

Talon whined and waddled his ass over and tried to push Jupiter. Talon has learned to walk; he doesn't crawl around anymore.

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