10) Family Situation

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Taylor looked at the humans tied up and one tiger.


"Hey, be grateful I restrain myself," Sunny sat on the counter eating banana pudding. "I was going to take them to hell and show them what happens to people who cross me. But I didn't."

Taylor looks at them. "You idiots went up against Sunny? Do you have a death wish? You all were this close to meeting hell."

"What's so special about her?"

"She's a child of God," Taylor said. "Blessed by Zeus, experimented by her crazy mother, no offense, Sunny."

"None, taken," Sunny jumped off the counter and walked to the priest; she crouched and tapped her tail against his cheek. "I have taken an interest in you."

"How can someone blessed by my God be a demon?" The priest glared.

"Right, let's learn some history," Sunny smiled. "Zeus isn't the God you humans worship; Zeus is a Greek God, you worship a Christian God, there's a difference. Anyways, Sunny is powerful; be lucky you aren't in hell."

The doors open, and Luther enters furiously. "You dare bring dangerous humans into my domain!" He dragged Carlton by his ankle. "You say you loved my daughter, and then you tried to kidnap her! You're no better than that filthy cult!"

Carlton struggled.

Luther placed his foot on his chest. "I should kill you for being stupid."

"Please don't do that, I'll handle Carlton."

A man enters with that girl Bailey and Rick. "Carlton."

Taylor saw the fear in Carlton's eyes. It seems he got caught doing something he shouldn't have.

"Carlton, I didn't send you to kill anybody," the man said. "I sent you to bring me my daughter."

Taylor stepped between his father and Isla's father. Luther growled. "Isla is my daughter; you have no right over her. You slept with her mother, knowing her situation, and didn't even help her escape. You're a fucking tiger, you above the humans, yet you raped her."

"I had a gun pointed at me," he glared. "They watched as I had sex with Mary; you would've done the same thing."

"No," Luther glared. "I would've killed them on the spot for humiliating her. I'll admit, I wasn't the best either. I'm a demon. I have a lot of enemies; it's why I left Mary, among other personal reasons. But if I and a gun pointed at me, forcing me to rape someone, I would've refused and killed them."

The man had a look of his ego getting stomped on. He thought he and Luther were the same, that they would've done the same thing.

"I was here for Isla's birth; I held her, I signed the birth certificate. I was there when she got sick; I was there for the important moments of her life," Luther stepped up to the man; Taylor kept him back, but he was stronger. Luther towers over him. "I know you knew about Isla, but you never approached her. So don't come back here trying to play the father role."

The man glared. "She's in danger; that cult is after her. She's safer with me."

Luther almost launched himself at him.


Isla entered the house with groceries. She and Zen had gone out shopping to make dinner. Isla set the groceries on the counter. The man smiled, believing Isla had called him father, but he was wrong. Isla walked past him and hugged Luther.

Luther wrapped his arms around her.

The man's smile faded.

"I'm not going anywhere," Isla turns to face her biological father. "I don't know you; I don't want you where. Go away. Thank you for being a donor, but Luther is my father. He has helped my mother and me in many ways. You send those three to be my fake friends, and now you send this idiot to kidnap me? What made you think I was going willingly? You are Lucky Zen didn't kill them."

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