29) Old Ruins

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Sophia stood wearily against the damp, cold wall, feeling utterly spent, her stomach growling with hunger and her throat parched with thirst. Annoyed and slightly terrified, she watched the rats dart around her, their scurrying feet sending shivers down her spine. Each time one brushed against her, she couldn't help but let out a slight squeal, quickly silenced by Mr. Ghoul's hand over her mouth.

As they ventured deeper into the tunnels, the darkness seemed to envelop them, and Sophia made a silent vow to burn her clothes and everything she was wearing as soon as they escaped this place. She couldn't bear the thought of keeping anything that had touched this eerie, rat-infested underworld.

Her dry lips smacked together as she tried to moisten them, but the feeling of thirst only intensified. "I'm getting parched. Can you get us out of here?" she asked, trying to keep the desperation out of her voice despite the rising panic within her.

Mr. Ghoul glanced around the dim, musty tunnels before asking. "Are you always so stubborn?"

With a weary sigh, she admitted. "Yes." Her stubbornness had often led her into dreadful situations, and now, trapped in these foul-smelling tunnels, she regretted it more than ever.

As she gazed at the sickly green water, she would have taken a desperate sip if it weren't for the sight of dead rats and floating garbage. Thoughts of her beloved children, Jupiter and Talon, tugged at her heart. She imagined Jupiter's hunger and longing for her attention while she knew Talon, her little boy, must be frantically searching for her.

Sophia and Mr. Ghoul froze at the sudden sound of approaching footsteps. Without a word, he tightly grasped her hand, and they sprinted in the opposite direction, her heart pounding with fear. Sophia dared not glance behind her, dreading the possibility of catching sight of their pursuer.

Suddenly, a forceful blow sent Mr. Ghoul staggering backward. Holding onto Sophia's hand, he pulled her along as they stumbled into a murky, green pool of water.

The bitter liquid flooded Sophia's mouth, causing her to convulsively spit it out as she let out a piercing scream, her panic rising.

Before she could gather her bearings, unseen arms enveloped her, pulling her further into the depths of the water. As she struggled for air, the relentless current dragged them through dark and twisting tunnels. In the chaos, Sophia collided with a solid object, leaving her dizzy and disoriented.

Sophia lost consciousness after hitting her head on the bottom of the water. When she woke up hours later, she heard the unsettling sound of someone laughing and growling nearby.

As she struggled to sit up, a wave of dizziness washed over her. After regaining her composure, she stood up, only to feel a sudden chill against her skin. To her shock, she realized that someone had stripped her naked while she was unconscious.

"Fuck she's hot, why can't we fuck her?"

"Because she's bait. The boss said after he gets what he wants, we can have her."

Sophia backed away and looked around the small room. It's a prison, for sure; a single wax candle lit the room—the walls were dirty, covered by black mole and green goo with dirt floors. There was a single old rusty bed with a dirty pee and blood-stained mattress that had seen better days. A wooden buck made Sophia recoil; she was not peeing in that old, smelly bucket.

There was an old, dirty brown blanket; grabbing it, she sniffed it, the stench making her gag. It's better than letting those bafoon see her naked body. Only Taylor can see her body. She wrapped the brown blanket around her body; the roughness of the fabric felt gross against her delicate skin. She'll end up with rashes, for sure.

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