2) Isla and Taylor

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Taylor got out of bed and rolled his shoulders. He glances down at Sophia, sleeping on her belly. His eyes went lower to her nicely round ass and her wet core. He had his way with her, mostly exploring her body. She's a sensitive one.

"Beautiful," he leaned down and planted kisses along her back down to her nicely sound soft ass. She stirs and smacks him. "I have to go and meet Isla for coffee; I'll be back later. Bobby will spend the day with you and Sapphire. Don't let Sapphire wander off on her own."

Sophia blinks her eyes open. "I hate you."

He grinned and kissed her nose. "Sure you do." He slapped her ass and left her bedroom.

He took a shower dressed in faded blue jeans and a tight blue shirt, adding a leather jacket and his combat boots. Before he left, he checked on Sapphire. He left a note on the kitchen table and left.

On his way to the coffee shop across the street, he called Sarah.

"You didn't call me," Sarah huffed.

"Sorry," he smiled. "We had dinner, Bobby and Greg, and I met Isla. There was too much going on; I forgot to call sorry."

"Of course," Sarah sighed. "And Sapphire?"

"Sleeping," Taylor entered the coffee shop; Isla sat on the corner sipping coffee. "I left her in the apartment with Sophia. I had a long conversation with Isla today. Bobby will spend the day with Sapphire and Sophia."

"Okay," Sarah yawned. "Well, when you can, let Sapphire call me."

"Of course," Taylor sighed. "I'll call you later. I'm about to have a conversation with my sister."

"Good luck."

He will need all the luck in the world. He put away his phone and sat across from Isla. "Ask away."

Isla set the coffee cup on the coaster and wiped her hands. "Coffee?"

Taylor called the waitress and ordered plain coffee, no milk, no sugar, nothing. He laid his arms on the table, tapping his fingers against the wooden table. The waitress came back with his coffee.

"Now we can talk," Taylor said.

Isla sighed. "How are you related to me?"

Straight to the question. "I'm your brother."

"Pardon?" Isla laughed. "I would know if I had a brother; trust me, I did my research."

"I wiped everything about myself from our family registry," he sipped the hot coffee. "I decided to keep you at arm's length, and I was right to do so."

Isla frowned. "No, that's not possible."

"I'm your brother," Taylor said. "We have the same mother but different fathers. My birth was a mistake; I brought nothing but pain and suffering to my mother. I made her go crazy, but what our family did to her drove her over the edge. Did Greg and Bobby tell you?"

"About how my mother was in a cult?" Isla nodded. "But they didn't tell how my mother ended up in an asylum."

"It's a gruesome story," Taylor rubs the back of his neck. "I'll make it short: our mother's family was in a strict cult; her grandfather and father controlled her life. She rebelled and left the cult; she did a lot of crazy things, one of them falling for my father. My father was careless, and I was born months later; my mother freaked out when she saw me. Greg and Bobby tried to help, but in the end, my mother couldn't take care of me; my mother got sent to an asylum. I remained with Bobby and Greg until my mother's family came to get us. They even fucking pull my mother out of the asylum. I didn't know. I didn't know until I was older."

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