12) Oh Baby!

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Sophia groaned.

She didn't think her belly would grow this big. It's been three days since they arrived at the boarding school. And she can't control her eating habits. The baby craves food, but there is something the baby wants, and she can't seem to figure it out. It pops into her mind, a strange-looking black fruit with little white thorns; the inside is a gray color with white seeds.

She wants that damn fruit. But Darin can't find it anywhere; he believes it's an exotic fruit belonging to a species, but which one, he doesn't know.

She should call Taylor and ask him. Yes, because she can't stop thinking about it.

She sat on the rocking chair that Madeline had brought for her. It turns out this boarding school is for non-humans. But Madeline is a human who knows.

She rocked back and forth as she called Taylor.

"I was wondering when you would call me my runaway princess," Taylor chuckled.

Sophia smiled. "Well, I have a good reason to call." She can't tell him about her pregnancy, not yet. "I'm in a safe place with people I know, and there's this pregnant woman."

"Go on."

"She's pregnant with a demon baby," Sophia sighed. "And she's been craving weird stuff; one is a black fruit with white horns, and the inside is gray with white seeds. Do you know where I can get it? Or what is it called?"

Taylor groaned. "All women carrying demon babies seem to crave that damn ugly fruit that tastes like heaven. It isn't lovely, but it's sweet. Only those that carry a demon baby can eat it; if it's someone else, it'll harm them and the baby."

"Where can we get some? This woman can't stop thinking about it; it's like—her world revolves around that fruit. Is that normal?"

"Yes," Taylor sighed. "It's not the mother, it's the baby, the baby wants a taste of hell. The Link Fruit is what we call that ugly fruit; it serves as a way to form a link to hell, the underworld, you know, Hade's domain. If the woman doesn't take it, I don't know what will happen. Don't ask how I know this; it's a new thing now that baby demons are popping out. My father said that fruit has been around for ages; it used to be one tree, but now there is a forest."

"So where can I get it?" She asked.

"Hell," he said. "It's the only place it grows, but my grandmother Savannah grows them in her special greenhouse. I'll ask her to send me some, and I'll send them to you. But I'll need to know where you are; I promise I won't come after you, not yet."

Sophia felt a rush of sexual need. "I'll send you the address. Taylor, I miss you. I miss having sex."

"We'll have sex soon, I promise," Taylor said.

Sophia smiled. "Be safe, Taylor. Don't let that cult get away."

"Of course, I'll get going and get the fruit before the mother goes insane," he said.

She sighed and set the phone down.

It wasn't long before the fruits arrived; it was around eight when there was a delivery.

"Fancy," Darin took out the wooden black box with a decorative black bow and silver buckles. He set the box on the table.

They were in the bedroom, away from any children who thought the fruits were for them. Sophia knows those fruits aren't healthy for them.

"Instructions," Darin said. "Fancy handwriting."

"Not Taylor's," she read the note. "Eat only the gray, avoid swallowing the seeds, burn the seeds and shell of the fruit. Seems simple. Don't touch them." She smacks Darin's hand. "Savannah says only witches, demons, vampires, or those carrying a demon baby can touch them. Anyone else will get poison. Wear gloves if someone else touches it; she gave it to them."

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