28) Sophia, Again?!

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Sophia rose with the sun, taking it upon herself to prepare a hearty breakfast for everyone. Unlike her friend Dianthe, she approached the barn where she had sensed the presence of a ghoul the day before. Taylor had warned her that the ghoul was reclusive and didn't take kindly to interactions with people. Nevertheless, Sophia was determined to reach out to him. Taylor had also cautioned her to be cautious, as ghouls can become aggressive when they smell blood.

Balancing a basket of breakfast, she pushed open the creaky barn doors, causing the ghoul to curse and hastily retreat. "Hey, I brought you breakfast," she said as she entered the dimly lit space. Surveying the surroundings, she noticed the dilapidated state of the barn, with a few holes dotting the loft where the ghoul likely resided. Undeterred, she placed the basket on a nearby table and addressed the unseen ghoul. "I appreciate your watchful presence, but your reclusive behavior won't do. My name is Sophia. What should I call you, aside from 'ghoul'?" As she spoke, she caught a glimpse of movement on the second floor.

"I can tell you're the type who just won't quit, even when someone wants to be left alone. Being antisocial isn't a crime. I prefer my solitude," the ghoul retorted from above.

Sophia looked up, a hint of exasperation in her voice. "No one appreciates a grouch."

"You're the one barging in and disturbing my rest."

Sophia let out an impatient sigh. "Name?"


Tapping her foot, she pressed on. "I feel safer knowing who's looking out for us."

Sophia let out a frustrated sigh and pursed her lips. "Fine, I'll call you Mr. Ghoul," she muttered. With a determined stride, Sophia turned on her heels and exited the dimly lit barn. Stepping into the bright sunlight, she shielded her eyes from the glare and watched a flock of ducks gracefully wing westward across the clear blue sky. It was a stunningly beautiful day.

A contented smile graced Sophia's lips as she hurried back towards the house, relishing the warm breeze caressing her skin. She wasn't even on the porch steps when Taylor suddenly appeared. A look of exhaustion and distress replaced his usually vibrant demeanor.

"Did something happen? You look like you've seen something unsettling," she inquired, reaching up to cup his weary face in her hands, feeling the roughness of his unshaven jaw. Without a word, he pulled her into a tight embrace.

"I'm traumatized," he groaned. "I did witness something awful, my parents having sex."

Sophia gasped in shock and struggled to stifle a laugh. She reached out and gently ran her fingers through his hair. "There, there, it's going to be alright," she said, but couldn't help but let out a snort of amusement.

"Sophia, it's not funny," he pulled away and glared. "You don't know how traumatizing that was. Seeing my parents in that situation." He gags. "No, no, I won't talk about it." Sophia couldn't hold it and laughed. He growled and slapped her ass. She laughed so hard tears gathered in her eyes.

"I'm sorry," she said softly, wiping her tears. "I'm sorry you had to witness such a scene." She leaned in and kissed him gently.

"Yeah," he replied with a furrowed brow. "Were you coming from the barn?"

"Yes, I ran into the ghoul; he's quite stubborn and wouldn't tell me his name."

"I won't tell you either," Taylor said with a chuckle. "Don't bug the poor guy. Come on, I'm beat. I had a long conversation with my father and slept on the couch."

Sophia accompanied Taylor upstairs while the others remained downstairs, enjoying their meal. She tenderly gave Taylor a sponge bath, and after he playfully pulled her into the tub, they shared an intimate moment. Afterward, she cleaned up the mess while Taylor rested peacefully.

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