16) Nest

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Taylor looks up at the webbing. "Um, your daughter snuck out, drilled through my apartment, went into Talon's nursery room, and made a nest above his crib. I found them both asleep inside."

"Well," Bobby stifled a laugh. "I suppose my daughter has made a home for them. She even made one above her crib. Small for two." Bobby chuckle. "Sweetie, time to go; we have a doctor's appointment."

Talon and Bobby's daughter peek their heads out.

"Come on, you can play later," Bobby said.

The kid nudged Talon and went down to her mother; she shifted to human form.

"I'll pay for the damage," Bobby held her daughter. "Well, I'll see you later; my kids have a doctor's appointment."

"Not with a human doctor, I hope?"

"No, if you haven't noticed, this town is mostly nonhumans," Bobby said. "There are only a few humans left. We only have a clinic slash hospital, which consists of many other medical buildings. And most of their staff are nonhumans. Most of the staff are witches, wizards, and anyone who can do magic. There are a few humans, but we aren't sure how long they'll stay."

"I see," Taylor looked at Talon. "I'll have my grandmother examine Talon since no one knows about demons."

Sophia entered; she was in the shower. "Oh, you got them out of their little nest."

"Well, I should get going," Bobby said. "I'll be back later since I know this one will want to sneak out."

Sophia grabbed Talon, who crawled under her shirt and latched on. Taylor walked Bobby to the door.


"Sure," Sophia went to the kitchen.

Taylor helped Sophia make breakfast; Talon had wandered off to play with his toys in the living room. Taylor flips the bacon.

"I think your phone is ringing. Go, I'll finish up."

Taylor wipes his hand with a kitchen towel and answers his phone. "Hello?"



Sophia turns the stove off and tip-toes around.

"I'm safe, Daddy. Don't worry, they haven't hurt me; they tried to poison me," Sapphire said. "But I'm alright; I'm having a lot of fun. But they don't like playing with me much."

"I see, and when are you coming home?" He asked.

"When are you coming to pick me up?" Sapphire giggle. "No, silly, you can't move, freeze tag." She was speaking to someone. Freeze tag, that's not good. She probably froze them, literally.

"Soon, sweetie, and you have a baby brother; his name is Talon," Taylor said.


Taylor smiled. "Well, keep having fun, and I'll see you soon."

"Okay, Daddy, bye."

Taylor smiled. "Well, it seems Sapphire is having fun, playing freeze tag and not the normal one."

Sophia shiver. "Well, I feel sorry for those people."

Taylor grabbed a piece of bacon and took a bite. "Well, I'll let Sapphire have a little fun before I go get her. I want her to butter them up, put as much fear as possible."

Sophia smiled.

They sat down for breakfast, and Talon woke up and demanded bacon. Taylor gave him a piece that he chewed.

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