17) End of Cult

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Clyde sat on the bench, watching Sapphire play with a red ball. This past week has been crazy. Sapphire has terrorized everyone. Even the leader is keeping his distance. He tried to kill Sapphire, but the kid somehow outsmarted the assassins.

Two men had taken Sapphire into the woods to let her go, but she returned. She said she wasn't leaving.

Now, his bedroom is a storage for toys and peace offerings. This cult went from an oppression cult to worshiping Sapphire and keeping her happy.

Sapphire kicks the ball around. She said death is upon them. She promises he will be safe.

"Clyde," she ran up to him and grabbed his hands. "Inside."

Clyde has gotten used to taking orders from Sapphire. He took her inside, and she set the ball down.

"You should get ready," Sapphire smiled. "If you don't want to die, stay inside the house." She went into the small kitchen and grabbed a knife. "Stay."

She stepped outside. Clyde watched her cut across the palm of her left hand and use her blood to draw something on the front door.

"What is that?"

"The McAllister family crest," she smiled. "It'll keep you safe, so stay."

Clyde heard the rumbling of a storm. He peeked out the window and saw the dark, angry clouds approaching. It's going to be a nasty fight.

He sat on the floor away from the window.

Sapphire joins him and grabs his hand. "You'll see your sister soon. Music?" The stereo came on, and the house filled with loud country music.

He chuckled. "You like country music?"

Sapphire nodded.

She went to the kitchen and grabbed two baskets. She came back and sat down. "We are going to be here for a while. We can't let the kids see their families get slaughtered. So Sunny, my father, the Reapers, and my grandfather Luther are coming afterward. My grandpa has some unfinished business with this cult."

She opens a pack of crackers, cream cheese, and a jar of strawberry jams. She had a plastic butter knife.

He may as well eat and enjoy the music.

He stood and kept low as he went to the bedroom and brought out board games and a hand game console. With the music and the thundering outside, he couldn't hear anything unless it hadn't started.

"Incoming," Sapphire said. "Don't get scared."

He jolted as a portal opened up in front of them. A girl with dark purple hair and sunset eyes stepped out, holding this weird scythe. She looks down at Sapphire. "Hi."

Sapphire let out a wicked laugh. "Ophelia took your priest?"

"Yes," Sunny sighed. "Go on, laugh; your aunt Ophelia stole my pet."

Sapphire wiggles her legs. "Nice scythe, painless?"

"Painless," Sunny said. "Once all the children are gone, everyone else will follow. Snack break." This girl, Sunny, sat down and grabbed a burger. It's one of those microwave burgers. She didn't need to heat it; she used her hand. "I'm an angel, a demon, a wolf, a vampire, probably a spider too."

Clyde frowned.

"My dear mother experimented on me," Sunny smiled. "I died when I was a baby; someone slit my throat, and my soul went missing. My mother went crazy; she got me back and experimented with me."

Clyde bit into the cracker. "I guess even angels have their moments."

"It's crazy in Olympus," Sunny smiled. "Want to be my pet?"

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