11) Queen Of Lights

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He stood and helped Mary down the steps. He sends the nurse away and leads her to the sunroom for breakfast. Senna was already there feeding the kids.

Luther helped Mary onto the chair with the cushions.

Senna smiled. "Did you sleep well? I know yesterday was hectic, as was the night before. Isla's father has guts coming here; one of his sons is—paralyzed."

"Temporary," Luther said. "My mother will fix  the boy up."

"If you say so," Senna added cream cheese to a bagel and gave it to Koa. "Koa, manners."

Koa huffed and took a bite of the bagel, getting cream cheese all over his cheeks.

"I slept well," Mary sipped on her coffee.

Ophelia scooted her chair closer to Mary and climbed on. "Mary, want to play chess again?"

"Sure, we can play chess after my appointments," Mary smiled.

Ophelia adjusted her glasses. Ophelia needs the glasses to keep her eyes from becoming demonic or misty blue. She developed this disability a week ago. His mother hopes it'll only last until Ophelia is older. She looked cute with round pink glasses.

"Hi sir," the servant set a plate of warm butter bread. "Um, there is someone outside seeking to speak with you."

"So early in the morning," Luther sighed. "Let them in, check for weapons and spells."

The servant nodded.

Seconds later, the Queen of Lights entered, dressed in human clothing but still looking like a fairytale.

"I won't kneel," Luther doesn't have a good history with the Queen. She once attempted to kill him, blaming him for her husband's becoming sterilized.

The Queen sighed. "I know. May I at least sit?"

"Sure," Senna said before he could tell her no.

The Queen sat elegantly, smoothing her green dress.

"Breakfast?" Senna offers some scones.

"Thank you," she took a scone.

"Is she a Queen?" Ophelia asked.

"Yes," Senna smiled.

Ophelia gasp. "Wow, you are pretty, not pretty like Mama, of course. Mama will always be the most beautiful woman in the world."

The Queen smiled. "She's a—honest little thing, isn't she?"

"Yes," Luther leaned back. "Right, this is Senna, my wife, our children Koa and Ophelia; I have three others, Luna, my daughter with Senna. Isla and Taylor, my children with Mary, this is Mary, hopefully, one day my second wife."

"Goodness," The Queen ate with such mannerisms. "Last I saw you, you didn't want to settle down."

"What's your name?" Senna asked. "I don't want to address you as Her Highness or Majesty."

The Queen smiled. "Adelina."

"Well, Adelina, why the visit so early in the morning?" Senna is good at taking charge.

Adelina turns to him. "I know we didn't end on good terms the last time we saw each other."

"Right, you almost killed me," Luther said. "You accused me of sterilizing your husband."

"Yes," Adelina smiled. "I apologize; I now learned it was my sister. She wants her daughters to take the throne. I picked Sophia; she's a special fairy; as you can see, black hair isn't common among our kind."

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