32) Escape Hell

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32) Escape Hell


Taylor set Sophia on Jakari's back. He's faster and can get Sophia to the Hades palace.

It's the day of the festival, and they have to hurry. Sophia is getting weaker.

"Mama," Troi reached for her. "Mama." That's all he can say.

"No, Troi, we need to get going," Taylor hasn't told Troi he won't go with them. He'll stay behind with Jakari.

"Mama?" Troi sniffle.

Taylor covered him as they made their way out of the house. The journey won't be easy.

They had to make a spot before entering the danger zone. Taylor set Troi on the log. "Sit, don't move." The kid has difficulty understanding. He helped Jakari with Sophia. "She's burning up."

"There isn't much we can do; her body is trying to fight the infection and heal her, and her immune system is working over time," Jakari fed Sophia this pill. "That's all I can do. It'll lower the fever. Troi is eating a strange thing again."

Taylor cursed and snatched the dead critter from Troi's mouth. He had eaten half of it. "I told you not to eat strange things."

Troi whimpered, rubbing his belly.

"Here has come fruit," he cut a green peach. "Eat it."

Troi wrinkles his nose, pushing the fruit away.

"He's a ghoul; he needs to eat flesh," Jakari sighed. "At least until he's an adult, you know this."

"Fine," he looked around and found a decent critter resembling a rabbit. "Here."

Troi chomps down on the head, blood splattering on the dirt ground.

Their brief break ended, and he carried Sophia this time. Troi had fallen asleep on Jakari's back.

Taylor lost count of the days, but it felt like years, except Troi wasn't aging. He stayed the same, a three-year-old toddler. And it's all due to his eating habits. Troi needs to consume a tremendous amount of flesh for him to develop.


Jakari stepped back. "They must know you're trying to get back home."

Taylor glares at the demons blocking the road to Hade's portal. It's the portal leading to Hades palace. Did they dare take control? Taylor is cheerful. Hades has guards near the portal. So where are they?

"Look what we have here, our favorite toy."

Taylor can't put his family at risk. "Jakari, your fast take, Sophia."

"But Troi?"

"I'm positive he'll follow," Taylor said. "Once I make an opening, take them through the portal."

"Fine "

Taylor didn't wait; he set Sophia on Jakari's back. "Troi, follow Mommy and your big brother."


"Yes," Taylor ruffled his dark green hair.

Taylor rushed the demon, using his claws to rip them to shreds. Clearing a path wasn't easy. But there was an opening. He didn't have to tell Jakari anything; he went through the portal, but Troi didn't follow; he went ghoul and jumped on a bird-like demon. But now, just that, he grew a stinger like a manticore. Ghouls can't do that.

Troi ate the wings of the crow, and he grew them. He jumps to the next one, an Incubus. Troi bit off the incubus's face. Watching a Troi eat his way through the demons was mind-blowing. He only ate certain parts of the demons. The demons ran for their lives.  Now, he truly needs to get Troi out. Any rare demons the princes of hell will be fighting to get Troi. He could become a great warrior for them.

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