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"I told you not to grab my son," Sophia held Talon, who had gone full demon on the Winter King. He dared grab him and tried to throw him in a cage. Talon didn't like that and hasn't reverted to human form. "You think you can throw my son into a cage, fuck you!"

"I don't know how he got through the barrier, but he isn't going to stay here."

"Too bad," Sophia held Talon. "And don't forget my son is half fairy. Of course, he can get through the barrier."

The Winter King glared. "Fine, keep your son with you at all times."

"I'll be eating my meals in my bedroom," she left and returned to her bedroom.

She set Talon on the bed, and he stretched. "You need to stay here and not roam around, alright?"

Talon sat up and wiggled his toes and reached for them. He giggled, fell back, and lifted his foot to his mouth. That's something he hasn't done before. Maybe he's bored.

She sat on the couch and picked up the book she was reading. Talon stopped playing with his toes and crawled off the bed. He climbed on the couch next to her. She picked up the bell and rang it. The maid enters.

"Could you please bring us snacks, tea, and juice for my son?" She smiled. "Thank you."

The servant excused herself.

She leans back against the couch and reads while Talon explores the bedroom. He is not cold anymore, not at the moment. She was allowed to go to town and get him warm clothes with four bodyguards and two servants. And a disguise. Her black hair is noticeable.

Two servants enter and jolt at Talon hissing at them. Sophia set the book down. "Come here." Talon crawls down the wall, sniffs around the maids, and crawls up one of them. "Don't worry, he's simply curious." He jumps off and into her arms. "My son is harmless. You can leave now."

Both of them scurry away.

"Want a snack?" She picked a mini scone; Talon grabbed it and sat on the couch, eating it.

They were having a peaceful tea time, and the Winter King entered.

"What?" She sighed as Talon hissed and sat on her lap. "I'm keeping Talon in my bedroom. So why are you here?"

"Why hasn't your boyfriend come and get you?" He asked. "Isn't he worried?"

"He is," Sophia smiled. "I think he made a quick stop at my sister's. And about now, she's safe and protected by Luther. You know who that is, right?" Sophia didn't expect to see fear. Did he fear Luther? "You'll never get my sister back; I mean, she's not even my sister. You and my parents took her from my deceased uncle and aunt—the Queen's younger sister who tragically lost her life mysteriously. I'm betting you and my parents did something to cause their deaths." A light went on in her head. "Luther knows, doesn't he? It's why you have that look, fear. He might know what happens if he discovers Dianthe isn't my sister. Oh, you will get executed; Luther will know through my stepdaughter, Sapphire. That little girl knows things and will tell her father. I suggest you make your escape."

The look on the Winter King's face says it all. Sophia sips on her tea.

The Winter King left.

Talon stood and watched him go; he stuck his long tongue out at him. Sophia grabbed his juice box. "Here, sweetie."

Together, they sat there enjoying tea time.

At night, they ate out on the balcony under the beautiful starry night. Only in nonhuman territory would one see the stars. It wasn't too cold, and they had torches to keep them warm. The kingdoms don't do electricity. It's all oil lamps, torches, candles, fireplaces, and glowing stones. They haven't modernized, but she's optimistic the Queen will modernize, at least to some extent.

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