30) Unpredictable

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Sophia arrived home to an unexpected scene; outside Dianthe's house was a wooden tub with warm water and abundant lavender soap. It seems everyone was aware of her diving into filthy waters.

"Good riddance, you reek," Savannah called forth two witches to set up a tent for Sophia to bathe in privacy. "Where do you think you're going?" Mr. Ghoul tried sneaking away, unlucky. "I have a second tub for you; two of my girls will give you a sponge bath. Please don't argue with me. We must get the smell out thoroughly. Also, your stomach needs to get empty."

Mr. Ghoul made a face of disgust and recognition. Has he done this process before?

Sophia pitied the guy. Shrugging, she dropped the coat, which got thrown into a fire pit. Sophia will need to buy Taylor a new one. Savannah wanted to avoid the stench to linger, so she burned the clothes Mr. Ghoul wore. Mr. Ghoul's mood turns sour, and he fights the two witches who gave him the sponge bath; they sedate him and force him to swallow three red pills. In a matter of seconds, Mr. Ghouls emptied his stomach.

Her view became obscured by two more witches who closed the tent and held sponges.

Sophia politely smiled at them as she held out her arms. Getting a sponge bath by two female witches had Sophia giggling. She felt like a princess.

Like a princess getting ready for her prince charming, Sophia does hope Taylor returns home safely.

He kept gagging and vomiting. The poor guy is going to puke blood out.

Sophia arched her back as hot liquid poured down her back. She tried to get up, but the two witches held her down and poured the hot liquid. Sophia kicked her legs, water spilling over the tub.

"Please stay still; we know it's uncomfortable, but it's to disinfect you. You swam in dirty, infested waters. You swallow it, too. Immortal or not, it could affect your body. You'll need to swallow these pills to throw everything up."

"Oh, hell no!" They will not subject her to such a painful procedure. Sophia smacked one of her witches with the back of her hand. "I'm not apologizing for that!"

A third witch joins, and this one uses deadly force, prying Sophia's mouth open and dumping two red pills down her throat. Sophia attempted to spit them out, but the pills slid down her esophagus like slimy worms. Not that she knows what those taste like.

The witches release their hold on her. Nothing happened, but then her stomach made a horrible growling sound. She leans over the tub and retches her guts out.

Her vomit looks like a nightmare.

"Oh God, is that a rat's foot?" Sophia continues to be hurled over the tub, peeking at the content of her vomit through watery eyes.

Hours later, Sophia lay in bed curled up, hugging a bucket. Savannah assures her the vomiting will cease after drinking a white milk drink consisting of sperm or melted gum.

It tasted like old socks and sand. At least Sophia's process wasn't like Mr. Ghoul's. Mr. Ghoul had it worse: puke until he bled. At the moment, he is in the barn chain with thick shackles. Mr. Ghoul is in a stage of aggression.

"Hi," Dianthe entered the bedroom, holding something tiny in her arm. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I could puke," Sophia sat up. "Your baby?"

"Yes," Dianthe sat on the chair by the bed and lowered the blanket. Sophia let out a shocking gasp.

"Oh, my God!" Sophia stares at the tiny baby.

"A boy," Dianthe smiled. "He barely fits in my arms; if I don't hold up right, he'll slip through."

Sophia leans against the pillows. "And my kids?"

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