31) Crazy Girl

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Sophia's smile hinted at innocence as she faced Taylor's simmering anger. She knew that arguing with him would only exacerbate the situation. She hadn't intended to follow him into such a chaotic situation, but he had broken his promise to come home. Despite knowing it wasn't the wisest decision, she had made a last-minute choice to follow him to hell. Desperate to retrieve Taylor, she had sought out a mysterious girl and implored her to send her to hell. Although she could have asked the girl to bring Taylor back, her insatiable curiosity had led her to make a different decision.

Well, Sophia can't go back in time; she's here and must deal with Taylor's raging expression.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?!" Taylor has never raised his voice to her or cursed her out in such rage. "What were you thinking coming to hell? I got out of here. I could've gotten out again! But now you have made our escape complicated! Out of all the stupidity, you had to follow me!"

Sophia did her absolute best to ignore the sting in her eyes. Hearing Taylor yell at her was not a good feeling. It was like he was tearing her heart out.

Sniffling, she was about to let it out, but Taylor slammed his hand against her mouth. She couldn't even cry.

"Don't even think about crying; we are in hell; we are hiding. Do you wish for them to discover us?" Taylor glared.

She shook her head.

Taylor released his hand and lowered himself to the ground. At this moment, Sophia and Taylor are in a dimly illuminated cave. Contrary to her expectations of fiery torment, hell reveals itself as an expansive desert inhabited by eerie creatures and wandering demons.

When Sophia arrived, she landed in a dark, spooky forest infested with mutated animals and swampy lakes. She had to act quickly and scramble to her feet. Taylor had sensed her and arrived in time to save her from a mutated bird that wanted to fly off with her. She still has the claw marks across her arms.

She peeks at Taylor; he's in demon form, just like she's in a fairy. Her wings gently tuck behind her. Taylor looks hot, even in demon form.

"I'm sorry," she sniffles. "I didn't mean to upset you. But you didn't come back, and I was afraid you would suffer in hell again. Please don't be upset with me." She provocatively sank to her hands and knees, gazing at him with wide, pleading eyes.

He leaned forward and tenderly ran his thumb across her bottom lip. His sharp nail cut her upper lip. Snarling, he hooks his thumb against the side of her cheek and tugs, prying her mouth open. Her body was on fire. Moisture gathers between her folds. Sophia forgot she was wearing nothing but a camisole and thin panties.

The moisture began to trickle down her closed thighs. Taylor knew that and grinned at her.

"Stop teasing me," she panted. "Why am I feeling this way?"

"In hell, there is a chemical that torments the souls or any living thing that stumbles into hell," he spread out his legs and, like a rag doll, swiped her onto his lap.

His long tongue swipes across her mouth. Sophia opened her mouth, and Taylor devoured her.

"Since we are in hell, I'll punish you for being naughty," he didn't give her a chance to protest as he shoved his demon cock into her entrance, stretching her. She gasped for air, and eyes widened at the side fullness. It's not like she hasn't experienced it before.

But whatever toxicity is floating in hell has intensified her sensitivity. Just a single touch has her in an endless orgasm. And Taylor wasn't helping her adjust; he rammed her and violated her while in such disarray.

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