3) Greedy Hands

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"Taylor, are you sure you can trust him?" Sophia held the lights as Taylor hung them around the room as Sapphire gave the orders.

They went shopping and bought a bunch of lights, decorations, and four Christmas trees. One tree will go in Sapphire's room, a white Christmas tree theme: Candyland. Sapphire had worked the plans this morning, sketching the apartment and where everything would go. Taylor said she got her artistic skills from Luna. And she's pretty good at it.

"Zen is a flirt, but he's good at his job," Taylor said. "He works for a security company for Luther. A flirt, but he knows how to protect."

Sophia smiled. "If you say so."

They spend half a day decorating the kitchen, living room, outdoor balconies, bedrooms, bathrooms, and outside the front door. Even the windows had lights and chalk drawings. By the time the last decoration went up, Sophia had dinner ready. She cooks chicken empanadas, fried rice with peas and pieces of carrots, black beans with cheese, and a side dish of guacamole with chips. She cools a lot for Sapphire and Taylor. And for dessert, mini strawberry tarts with cream.

She set the table for the three of them. It felt strange; it was like they were a family. Sophia hasn't felt this way in such a long time.

Her family isn't the loving kind; her parents are strict and never allow her to do anything. Her older sister, the moment she turned eighteen, left home and never came back. Sophia is worried something will happen to her. Her parents didn't care about her and disinherited her. They probably did the same to her. But Sophia doesn't care about her parents; she cares about her sister. Sophia didn't lie about searching for her sister.

"Wow, it looks delicious," Sapphire grabs a plate. "Thank you, Sophia."

Sophia nodded. "Taylor."

"Coming," he strode over, set the phone on the table, and grabbed a plate.

The three sat for dinner. Sapphire enjoyed the tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich.

"Are they going to come looking for Isla?"

"Yes," Taylor sighed. "I need to figure out who is pretending to be Isla's father and the contract. I'll wipe them out; this time, not one of them will live."

Sophia fills their cups with homemade strawberry lemonade with mini bear ice cubes, Sapphire's idea.

"Sapphire, before bedtime, call your mother," Taylor bit into the chicken empanada.


Sophia stood and brought out the tarts that were still warm. She placed the tarts on a round plate and took it to the table. "Dessert."

Sapphire finished the last of her grilled cheese sandwich and grabbed a mini tart. "Cute." Like everything, Sapphire took a picture. She's creating a scrapbook.

After dinner, Taylor helped her put away the leftovers while Sapphire watched TV briefly before bedtime. She wiped down the counter and yelped Taylor had his hand on her ass.

"Leave your door open," he whispers.

She sighed.

As Taylor said, she left her door open. Taylor enters the bedroom at twelve. The door closed, and there was a click—lock.

She felt the bed dip and the covers pull down. Taylor didn't waste time and planted kisses along her naked body. She didn't bother wearing pajamas, knowing full well what Taylor wanted. His lips were scorching against her body. He licked every inch of her body, mostly lingering around her breasts and the junction between her legs. Sophia rakes her hands through his hair, loving the softness. He suckles her nipples.

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