Part 1

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So me and my family are on our way home from camping and I'm hungry and I don't like eating in the car and my mom is threatening and saying "we're done camping we're selling the RV and all you do is make things miserable I don't want to hear another peep out of you for the rest of the ride of home I don't wanna hear that you're hungry nothing" and I'm crying my eyes right now I feel like a shitty person I just wanna run off and find a different family that will actually love me and not treat me like shit when it comes to my mental health. 

I guess my mom is right I do make things more miserable....... She says it's because I'm sad all the time and I'm like oh I wonder why?! Maybe because you constantly have to mentally drain me when I'm anxious instead of telling me everything is okay. 

I feel a little better now but not totally I'm still crying I still feel in pain (mentally) 

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