Part 9

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I'm really struggling with my anxiety right now I feel awful at my clap out at the elementary school of our senior class I acted like I was fine and nothing was wrong which was probably the best since I didn't want any of my old teachers asking what was wrong or anything. So I hid my emotions for that time until I got home. I felt like having a panic attack when I entered my old middle school so many bad memories came rushing back to me and it was awful but again I hid my emotions and kept walking. 

Yesterday was sucky for me and I'm hoping today will be better...... I'm

Stuck at home alone with nothing to do since both of my parents are at work and I don't have a car.... 

I feel like I'll never find any real friends that actually care about how I'm doing or what I like or what I'm interested in.......

I've pretty much had fake friends all my life. 

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