Part 32

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Today was fine...... but where I live we have been having a lot of rain and it's stressing me out.... So I'm hoping it ends by tomorrow or Sunday.... And I'm praying that we get a break from the rain. 

I'm still thinking about moving to Alaska even tho my heart says no and my mental health says yes.... It will be hard for me to leave my family behind but it will get easier over time.... Or I'll just save up money to buy a vacation home up there and only go up there when we want too. But only during the spring and summer months only not during the fall and winter months. 

My overall mental health has been meh lately I've been feeling tired, depressed at times, and sometimes I do zone out a lot and that's also part of it. I literally can't go anywhere these days without my phone I feel like I need it every where I go just to keep my anxiety at bay. 

I've seen clips from the new inside out movie and man that movie is just too Godamn relatable! Like it shows how mental health can affect you and how Anxiety can take over if you don't tell it to fuck off. 

So I've been not doing great once the weather calms down I hope to be okay after that and I'm going camping soon for the Fourth of July weekend so I'm looking forward to that also, the weather is gonna be nice where we are going so that makes me happy it's gonna be like 80s and sunny so thats always good. 

Summer is just beginning so it means more rain soon and that doesn't help my overall mental health at all! I know some of you are gonna say "oh it's just rain" it's not just rain sometimes rain can follow to other things.... And I don't want that happening at all. 

I've been listening to music a lot and it helps calm my nerves when I'm worried about the weather outside. 

My mom talked to my dad about how he behaves at home when it comes to his work and he said he'll be more careful around me when I'm downstairs on the couch doing my own thing like playing video games or watching being human on my I pad or phone. 

So that's the only thing that made me feel relief today.... 

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