Part 14

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I'm still very much struggling with my anxiety both of my grandparents got tested positive for COVID for the second time and I've been very stressed out and my anxiety has gone up a lot and yesterday was a long day for me since I graduated high school and did not get home until close to 9:00 at night and everything was so loud and the whole time I was anxious I felt like I was gonna pass out any moment and a person randomly grabbed my arm and said that I couldn't go out there yet even when kids were already starting to head out into the arena and sit down so I felt like crying after that and I kept my emotions in the whole time since I couldn't really let them out in that sort of a setting... 

I was looking for my bestie but I didn't see her..... I needed someone to help me or protect me after that woman grabbed my arm and yanked me back into the locker area where we were waiting and the locker area STUNK it smelled so bad I felt like I was gonna puke or pass out due to lack of air and kids Weren't being nice either boys kept shoving girls out of the way just to get through and that made my anxiety worse and I was stuck in between people who were taking pictures with their friends and I didn't not want to be in them so I tried to duck my head as low as I could to avoid being in the pictures....

I slept fine last night since I was already mentally and physically tired and feeling like crap.... 

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