Part 13

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so this was in middle school it was during gym class and I didn't know that we were gonna go outside for class and I didn't grab my coat from my locker and was wearing shorts and a t shirt in the middle of November or January whenever it was I don't remember... and when the gym teacher said we were gonna outside I freaked and was too scared to go ask for to get my jacket from my locker... and the time came and we went outside and it was FREEZING I was shivering and my friends at the time could tell I was not okay and said go ask the gym teacher if you can grab your jacket. And I walked over to my gym teacher who's Mrs Melvin and I asked her if I could get my coat and she straight up yelled at me and said "if you're cold walk the track!" And she said the same to a girl who was sitting in a corner of the track shivering and having a panic attack and Melvin went up to her and told her the same thing I did. 

When I got home that day I told my mom what happened and she was PISSED. 

Then the final straw was when I was really sick and it was in 7th grade and I came into gym late and Mrs Melvin still made me do things and I told my mom and she was pissed again and she turned to one of my resource teachers at the time and said this needs to end with Melvin she's treating Gabbie like shit and my teacher replied and said she would get me out of gym class my 8th grade year and that did happen and I felt better after that. 

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